Hello yazzybee,
Please, can you create a new thread using this form: https://toolslib.net/forum/new-thread/?categoryId=1
This way it will be a lot easier for us to help you out. Thanks!
Hello yazzybee,
Please, can you create a new thread using this form: https://toolslib.net/forum/new-thread/?categoryId=1
This way it will be a lot easier for us to help you out. Thanks!
I presume you're using Google Chrome as web browser?
You should be able to pass through the security warning and download AdwCleaner. Can you please show me a screen capture of this alert?
Thank you.
I have encountered a problem. After Scanning and hitting the button Clean, it runs as if it is starting the cleaning process. Then after a few seconds the application doesn't respond. I read the instructions and this is my debug link: https://up2sha.re/file?f=T7RvW1RLQxPO
I use Win 10 64-bit.
Please help me. Thanks
My AdwCleaner download from the ToolsLib website is giving a security warning. I am happy with the service and the software but I need a safe download for Windows XP, as my XP computer and Google browser are no longer supported. I can't afford to upgrade my old Dell computer at this stage. Your help please?
Sorry if i'm doing this the wrong way but i have the same problem as pedromatt. Can somebody help me with this problem step by step?
Bonsoir ,
Depuis plusieurs jours je suis infecté par une extension dans Chrome trouvé par Adwcleaner que je colle ici Chromium préf trouvée: [C:\Users\AB\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 3\Secure Preferences ] - hpdbfhoobgcmiffaheiedgepeipfcjpb
Malgré Adwcleaner j n'arrive pas à m'en débaasser , pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?
désolé freetux mais le nettoyage a ete un échec . il a bloqué plusieurs heures puis message d'erreur et fermeture de l'application . :(
Hi there, I've experienced a common issue faced by some other users as well. Whenever I selected "Clean" after the Scanning process, the program turned into Not Responding and freezes up my computer. Here's the log for Scanning. http://textuploader.com/d5ma1
Bonjour, désolé pour le retard vous pouvez me critiquer X)
he bien vous avez raison cocochepeau quelque jour après même problème , j'ai fait comme vous m'avez demander fr33tux celà a duré plusieurs heures et surprise toujours de google chrome alors que je l'ai désinstallé bizarre . voici l rapport de scan
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