Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops


I can't run the latest debug.exe so I am adding the latest log that it created. My Avast blocks this and I can't find it in its virus chest to make an exception.

The error message it gives is as simple as the others I earlier uploaded exept that the line number is different.

JSMN initialized
Struct created
Struct initialized
[Error] Object not created (-2147221164)
[Error] Object not cr...

Re: ordi troyenné comment éjecter l'intrus?

bonjour, effectivement je devais avoir le mauvais lien ds le presse papier :( voici le rapport de RogKiller

je lance adw et je rajoute le lien du rapport

Tout propre :)

Y at-il dessus des choses a eliminer ou mettre a jour?

bonne journée et merci!

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

Ok, can you download again this file and run it :

Please post the content of C:\Debug.txt which will be created after you run the above file

If you have another message that appears when you run it, please post a screenshot

Re: ADWCleaner deleted my important folder


After restarting the computer, ADWCleaner is not there anymore so I had to reinstall the application.

grynfindore, 2015-11-11 17:06:51 (UTC)

Is that occurred when you launched the Cleaning process ?

Did you find your missing work folder on the quarantine manager ? Can you tell me its name and where it was located ?

Also, could you upload the quarantine.log file stored into C:\AdwC...

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

I don't really know what could cause this kind of bug. It's probably due to the configuration of your computer. But we can try debugging it if you have the time.

First of all, can you download this file and run it :

It's just to make sure that the error comes from the external library ( the above file is not AdwCleaner, it's ...

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

Hi again,

Ok, it appears that your error comes from an external library that AdwCleaner uses to parse Chrome preferences file. It's weird because this error appears only on a few computers...

Can you retry with this version ( just run it and tell me if you still have the error, do not post debug logfile ) :


Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops


here is the log file.

2015-11-11 21:41:27 : [Notice]		Scan started
2015-11-11 21:41:27 : [Success]		Internet connection is UP
2015-11-11 21:41:27 : [Success]		Loaded C:\Users\MY\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll
2015-11-11 21:41:27 : [Success]		Opened C:\Users\MY\AppData\Local\Temp\adwcleaner.db
2015-11-11 21:41:27 : [Success]		Database v2015-11-09.1
2015-11-11 21:41:28 : [Success]		Retrieve...

Re: Quel logiciel pour ma panne ?


On va tenter d'autres choses :

  • Téléchargez RegToolExport
  • Faites un clic-droit -> Exécuter en tant qu'Administrateur sur le fichier
  • Dans le champ de texte, collez le contenu suivant :

Re: ordi troyenné comment éjecter l'intrus?


Voici le rapport de rogkiller


oui sur celui ci a part la lenterur actuelle anormale, et les 2 detections dans le mme fichier, de 2 virus  differents, c'est surtout les rootkits ( un tres "gros" dans le sens long a scan " puis plein de peitts) quand c'etait encore macaffee l'antivirus qui m'ont alerté.

. depuis le changement d'antivirus je n'ai ...