I am on Windows 10 and I am using my Microsoft account to log in.
I am on Windows 10 and I am using my Microsoft account to log in.
Do you log in as a local user or with an outlook/hotmail account ?
The password of my computer. The one when you need to put in when you open your computer.
Which password ?
Thanks for the logfile,
This FP has been removed from the definitions.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Eh.. I don't think my computer is free from them. My password just got deactivated again. Here is the DelFix content:
# DelFix v1.013 - Logfile created 11/09/2016 at 15:14:27
# Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode
# Username : samsung - TEAMALPHA
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home (64 bits)
~ Activating UAC ... OK
~ Removing disinfection tools ...
Deleted : C:\FRST
Deleted : C:\AdwCleaner
I used AdwCleaner v6.010 and it came up clean. I used it ten days later and it came up with
***** [ Registry ] *****
[ - ] Key deleted: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\SAVI.SAVI
[ - ] Key deleted: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\SAVI.SAVI.3
I checked in my control panel and I have had 4 programs installed on my computer during that time period:
NetBeans IDE 8.1
Java 8 Update 101 (64-bit)
Java SE Develop...
USB File Resc se compromete estar actualizado y al día contra virus que generan accesos directos y/o dañan nuestros archivos en nuestro Disco Extraíble (USB). Sin embargo no puedo hacer esta tarea yo solo, necesito la ayuda de todos ustedes. ¿Y cómo me pueden ayudar?. Es sencillo; ustedes se encargan de enviarme el virus y yo me encargo de estudiarlo y añadirlo al USB File Resc. (si van a envia...
That's the message that the Quarantine Manager sends me when i want to "clean" my virus and it also says i should contact you. I can press OK at the bottom off the window but i don't know what that message want to tell me.
Great !
Then, clean with CCleaner: