Re: ADW CLEANER can not CLEAN and DELETE and my pc freeze every time when i click on CLEAN - PLEASE FIX THIS ERRORS/BUGS


Can you see from the Debug log what exactly the problem is?

In my first scan found Adwcleaner the next problems...


***** [ Registry ] ***** Key Found:  KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\{93469602-4134-4012-A6BC-3E73B9855F90} Key Found:  KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\WinZipSmartMonitorService.exe  

No i do a new scan and nothing was found! But any time when i click on CLEAN in Adwcleaner, fr...

Re: AdwCleaner Problème

J'ai refait une analyse, AdwCleaner n'a pas trouvé de fichier malveillant. Il s'agissait d'un bug de la part d'AdwCleaner? Il detectait des fichiers qu'il ne devait pas detecter? (Au passage, je n'ai pas winzip sur mon pc)...

Merci pour votre explication...

Re: ADW CLEANER can not CLEAN and DELETE and my pc freeze every time when i click on CLEAN - PLEASE FIX THIS ERRORS/BUGS


Sorry to read this.

- Can you share the scan logfile?

Then, can you relaunch AdwCleaner, click on Tools -> Options and tick "Debug" in "Mode" section.

Do a scan and a clean, the crash should still occur. Simply exit the freezed window. Then, host the file "C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log" on and copy/paste here the generated link.

Best regards,

ADW CLEANER can not CLEAN and DELETE and my pc freeze every time when i click on CLEAN - PLEASE FIX THIS ERRORS/BUGS

ADWCleaner can't remove and delete it when i click on the button CLEAN! And ADW Cleaner versions crasht any time and my pc (Win10 x64) freeze every time when I click on CLEAN. Please, fix this errors and bugs so soon as possible!!

Re: AdwCleaner Problème

Bonjour ,


Je viens de m'inscrire à l'instant car je rencontre le même problème . J'ai fait plsueirs scan et suppression de cette clé et ses deux clé reviennent sans cesse lorsque je rallume mon pc

Key Found:  KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\{93469602-4134-4012-A6BC-3E73B9855F90} Key Found:  KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\WinZipSmartMonitorService.exe

Suite à cela j'ai fait un scan en profondeur av...