Re: Adwcleaner on Windows 10 on Dell cause crash

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Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

No slowness, seems the same speed as 5.107 and earlier, great work merci encore.

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108


Great news, thanks a lot for your help and your patience.

So you didn't see any slowness compared to older releases ?

Re: sqlite3.dll ne peut pas être chargée


Pouvez-vous tester avec cette version ?


Re: ADW Cleaner -default options


Yes, a few of them are checked :

  • "Delete "Tracing" keys"
  • "Reset Winsock settings"

Please refer to the documentation :

Best regards,

Adw Cleaner -Reset Bits queue

Can someone kindly direct me to more detailed documentation covering what this feature does?

ADW Cleaner -default options

Are any particular options pre-checked when ADW Cleaner is downloaded for the first time?


Hi Klaus,


I will inform the developper of ZHPCleaner that the soft have some weird behaviour. Do you want any help to restore some files ? ZHPCleaner has got a quarantine :)


One question to MalwareBytes before installing it: I have MS Security Essentials installed, won't there be a problem defending one another (and making the PC nearly unuseable) when both are active ? I experienced t...

Re: sqlite3.dll ne peut pas être chargée

Merci beaucoup !

Ça confirme la supposition sur l'origine du problème.. On devrait pouvoir vous tenir au courant dans les prochaines heures.