Thanks for letting us know. It should be enough to get it fixed in the next release of AdwCleaner (v6.010).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for letting us know. It should be enough to get it fixed in the next release of AdwCleaner (v6.010).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
It should be fixed in the next release of AdwCleaner.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We're working on it. We'll keep you informed. It should be fixed in the next release.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I've fixed these FP. They should no longer be detected, can you confirm it?
I have justed installed AdwCleaner and unable to resize the application window. This is a problem as the Results pane is obscured which prevents me from uncheck any elements that I want to be keep prior to running the "Clena" process.
Please fix ASAP
Don't worry, we were at the end :)
Thanks for the DelFix report, it's ok for me.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Best regards,
Hello and sorry for being inactive, when it repaired my computer I forgot about this forum. So today I checked it and found out a 9 day old reply. Sorry for respondig late. Here is the link for Delfix log:
# DelFix v1.013 - Logfile created 14/08/2016 at 19:32:06 # Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode # Username : win7 - WIN7-PC # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (64 bits)
~ Act...
Pouvez-vous nettoyer toute installation précédente d'AdwCleaner avec DelFix ?
in the new version i can't see any result from the scan
because the windows is now to smal.Please fix this
Bonjour à tous,
impatient par le très attendu Daemon Tools Pro version 8 et le très attendu Ashampoo Burning Studio 2017 qui vont sortir en cette fin d'année 2016, vers entre la rentrée de septembre et noel, j'ai des problèmes avec le lancement de combofix et ma carte micro sd de 4GO:
je lance Combofix, sous windows 10, en mode assistant compatibilité, mode paramêtres de compatibilités ...