Alerte d'une mise à jour


Depuis la version 5.002, AdwCleaner ne m'avertit plus d'une nouvelle mise à jour disponible.

Veuillez m'aider et merci.

Re: VPPlanetGenerator - Planet Generator


Thank you for your great software :)

I'll happily let you know for my suggestions !


Re: Malware ?


Si la prise en charge en anglais pose problème n'hésitez pas à nous prévenir, je prendrai le relai en français.


Thank you M-K-D-B (If providing the help in english is not efficient I'll take the relay in french) :)

VPPlanetGenerator - Planet Generator

First a thanks to the administrators of ToolsLib for providing a site and now a forum for developers to create software. This forum will be about VPPlanetGenerator, and all things concerning it.

Here you may post bug reports or requests about VPPlanetGenerator.

Re: Malware ?

Hi pguilb75,

according to a little research I did, HKLM\Software\classes\SDP seems to be related to Adware.Somoto-group.

Can you post the full logfile of AdwCleaner (C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Sx].txt), please?

Re: Error: variable used without being declared

Hi nasdaq2 & mmperezh,


Please activate Debug Mode as follows so we can see a report which may be helpful with identifying the problem.

  • Double-click on AdwCleaner.exe to open the tool.
  • Click on Options in the top menu.
  • Put a check mark next to Activate debug mode
  • Click on the Scan button.
  • If the error message appears again, close AdwCleaner.
  • A logfile report called AdwCleaner_dbg_XXXX....

Re: Error: variable used without being declared

on AdwCleaner by ****;-cant-delete-some-pdf;-cursor-freezes;-lags/page-2

The error Value used without being declared in Version 5.004 has again been seen in the log above.




Re: adwcleaner new 5.0.4



The documentation will be available here.


[FR] - Documentation AdwCleaner

Documentation d'AdwCleaner v6.

Valide pour la version 6.043

Interface d'AdwCleaner


AdwCleaner est un outil visant à supprimer adware (programmes publicitaires), PUP/LPIs (programmes potentiellement indésirables), toolbar (barres d'outils greffées au navigateur), hijacker (détournement de la page de démarrage du navigateur)... Cette documentation a pour but de détailler les différentes possibilités d'...

[EN] - AdwCleaner documentation

AdwCleaner v6 documentation.

Valid only for AdwCleaner v6.x

AdwCleaner interface



AdwCleaner is a tool aiming to remove adware (ads software), PUP/LPIs (Potentially Undesirable Program), toolbar, hijacker (hijack of the browser's homepage), ...

It's compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, each of them in both 32 & 64 bits.

This documentation aims to details how to use the software.


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