Re: AdwCleaner

check internet explorer's settings, assuming that you are using "internet explorer", and see if "" has been added to IE's "restricted sites" zone.. if so, you will need to remove it from the list of "restricted sites"..

don't ask me how it was added to IE's "restricted sites" zone.. i don't know..

or, it is possible that microsoft has a blocklist for IE where the download is being...

Re: False Positive - C:\Ap

FP = False positive .. :-) I removed "Ap" from the database as it was a FP.

Re: False Positive - C:\Ap


FP has been removed from the database.


False Positive - C:\Ap


AdwCleaner found folder C:\Ap and removed the folder and everything underneath it.  It's a foldershare for one of our customer servers.  Not sure why it would be detected as malware?

# AdwCleaner v5.027 - Logfile created 30/12/2015 at 17:52:56
# Updated 30/12/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-12-30.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (x86)
# Use...

Re: False Positive: Google Input Tools


It has been removed from the database, the change should be effective soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Re: False positive , Yahoo.xml


Detection removed from the database.


Re: Suggestion: Add an "ignore AOL" option


According to SystemLookUp, AVG Security Toolbar / Secure Search / Every toolbars related to AVG are classified as "Open to debate" as they simply pollute the browser. Same thing for AOL toolbar.

They are not malicious but they are not really needed and just slow the browser. The purpose of AdwCleaner is also to remove these kind of programs.

If you don't want to delete them, just unch...

Re: A ajouter à AdwCleaner

Hello ! Je comprends mais pour avoir vu déjà une bonne trentaine de fois le dit problème (en résumé, on a l'impression que les fenêtres clignotent), c'était systématiquement des Windows (de Vista à Windows 10) pollués de divers malwares et assimilés.

Lorsque j'ai mis la main sur ces deux valeurs, j'ai comparé à des Windows sains (mon 7 de boulot et un 10) qui ne présentaient pas ces valeurs.


Re: your latest versions..

thxs to you all!

so it is not a -false positive-..

i'll re launch yr fab tool and click on clean button to remove driver.easy!


Re: your latest versions..


I agree with Destrio5 message. You should relaunch AdwCleaner and click on [Clean] to remove Easeware.DriverEasy.
