Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?



You should get it automatically when clicking on the "Scan" button with an active internet connection.

Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?

on AdwCleaner by ****

For you folks probably a simple question: how do I get the latest database update?

Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?

Ah thank you very much, I was offline trying to fix some other virus issue so it didn't update.  All is fixed now thanks a lot !

Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?


I have got 5.119 which is the latest update and it still detects that registry key ...

ToineMPSI, 2016-06-07 11:15:27 (UTC)

it's not related to AdwCleaner's version, you need to get the latest database updates.


Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?

I have got 5.119 which is the latest update and it still detects that registry key ...

Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?


It has been fixed with the current update. It was harmless to delete this key, so nothing to worry if you pressed the (Clean) button with this element ticked.

Best regards,

Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?

Funny enough, I have this issue as well.

I was about to post a thread just like it.

Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?

Same here, have posted to 2 other forums to see if anyone finds. My findings : Avira crashes but I suspect the last update to be the cause MBAM, ZHPdiag, rKill don't find anything Windows defender says it has found something butI have to wait until the end (loooong) of the scan to know what it is, so that'll be tomorrow morning. Really hoping it's a false positive