Re: crash à 10%

Oui et même malgré un formatage du pc (suite à d'autres bugs) cela n'est pas mieux freeze à 10 % en extended et sans message d'erreur.

Re: Win XP support

I already answered that AdwCleaner is intended only to clean adware and nothing more independently what system is infected – XP or newer. To do more with curing - there are many other tools like AVZ (or other from Autologger pack), FRST etc. So it is inappropriately to say that AdwCleaner not support XP because it couldn’t cure more than simply adware in it. And statistics say that exactly adwa...

Major difficulties with AdwCleaner v.

I am helping a friend clean a grossly infected computer. Windows 10. Uses McAfee AV.

He ran Malwarebytes 3 without difficulty and it cleaned with no problem at all. I do have the log if needed but cannot find a way to attach the text file

He then attempted to use AdwCleaner v. but it would not complete cleaning and received a box with notification that a problem had stopped the clean....

Re: Computer Infected, AdwCleaner won't download


I've got two more questions:

  1. Are you behind some sort of proxy?
  2. Are you able to click on the provided link "Your download will start shortly... It does not work? Click here!"?


Is the adwcleaner from the site bleeping computer safe ?


Harman International Industries Inc has become a successful audio equipment company through acquiring promising smaller hi-fi companies, such as Infinity Systems Inc and JBL Inc. Co-founder and CEO Sidney Harman foresees continued opportunities for the company, which is one of only two large consumer electronics manufacturers to remain US-owned. Harman International's latest strategy is to f...

Please help!

I downloaded Batch2Exe, but my browser's downloads tab says that Batch2Exe failed to download.

Are there any solutions or other programs that convert .bat files to .exe?

I am using Firefox 52.3.0 32-bit


Re: Did AdwCleaner Remove Required Registry Files?

Josh ;) Considering my uninstall folder is empty and none of the mentioned file registries are crucial, I don't see any problems that might come from removing those. It could be a malicious registry added to alter your search or download malware, but other than that, you should be good to go. (I am not an expert at registries, just slightly knowledgeable)

Re: False Positives V7


Is anyone from the AdwCleaner team able to comment about this yet?


Please consider using the -


fr33tux, 2017-08-31 01:34:45 (UTC)

Happy to tell you that I downloaded and ran version  and it worked perfectly!

General Question about AdsFix

Hi there, 

I just have some questions about your program. 

1: Does AdsFix have a pause button? During the analyzing sequence it took over 4 hours to scan (and that was at 57%), I didn't expect it to go for so long. 

2: When I pressed escape on the keyboard; when it was analyzing, the computer froze up and windows was seizing. Followed by a frozen screen and I had to hard reset the computer. ...

Re: Problems

Thanks for that! The beta versioning was needed badly. As the users were not aware that it was updated and even when I recommended the software for some people it was hard to point out that it was in fact updated.