Re: False positive?

I am also getting this. It keeps appearring even after a clean and reboot. Anyone know whats up?

***** [ Registry ] *****

[#] Key deleted on reboot: KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\{93469602-4134-4012-A6BC-3E73B9855F90}

[#] Key deleted on reboot: KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\WinZipSmartMonitorService.exe  


Re: Infection par une extension de Chrome


Pour SmartDefrag, je vous conseille plutot le très bon Defraggler:

  1. Téléchargez Defraggler ici
  2. Installez ensuite le logiciel en suivant les instructions, puis exécutez-le
  3. Dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre, cliquez alors sur le bouton [Défragmenter]. L'opération peut prendre plusieurs heures durant lesquelles il est souhaitable de ne pas utiliser l'ordinateur pour rendre l'opération plus e...

Re: Can't delete UC Guard



Fix result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 23-11-2016 Ran by M2-1900 (26-11-2016 08:42:31) Run:1 Running from C:\Users\M2-1900\Downloads Loaded Profiles: M2-1900 (Available Profiles: M2-1900) Boot Mode: Normal ==============================================

fixlist content: ***************** CloseProcesses: R1 UCGuard; C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\ucguard.sys [81792 ...

Re: Can't delete UC Guard

Sorry, MBAM Scanlog (after restart)

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 25-Nov-16 Scan Time: 09:14 Logfile:  Administrator: Yes

Version: Malware Database: v2016.11.25.02 Rootkit Database: v2016.11.20.01 License: Trial Malware Protection: Enabled Malicious Website Protection: Enabled Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 10 CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: ...

AdwCleaner won't DELETE files. PLEASE HELP!!

I need your help everyone. Please. I ran a program a few days ago and It caused me a few problems. I downloaded pretty much every antimalware or virus program and ran full scans. They all come empty. Even malware bytes. But when I run adwcleaner I get 258 threats detected. I click "clean" and restart my computer, and when I scan again, the SAME files are there! They are registry files that are ...

Re: AdwCleaner crashes my laptop running Windows 10


Seems strange, but we'll need to have a look to the logfile to confirm that it's indeed AdwCleaner the cause of your issue, but it's very unlikely.

I think it is due to the removal of a map "Windows/sources" but I am not a specialist. 

Can you give me more details on that? When and where did you see "Windows/sources"?

Can you reboot with this liveCD:

AdwCleaner crashes my laptop running Windows 10

After running AdwCleaner windows 10 does not start up. I see the windows logo at start/restart but it does not get to the logon screen but starts flashing. 

I have now the same situation with two laptops. I am very certain that it is due to AdwCleaner because the issue appeared on the second laptop immediately after running AdwCleaner. I think it is due to the removal of a map "Windows/sources...

Re: s768.exe detection


Thanks for the feedback!

Can you share the remaining folders containing the .xpi?

Best regards,

fr33tux, 2016-11-15 19:00:21 (UTC)

Hello, i copy here the log file. You can see the folders address. AdwCleaner say "deleted", but after the system restart, still remain in system. Anyway, i write and repeat here for whom read this post: AdwCleaner makes it's job, isolate and quarantine...

s768.exe detection

Hi folks, after install K-Lite Mega Pack I just did a scan and AdwCleaner found this s768.exe and relative folders. This executable file comes with the related .xpi file that is a doubt Firefox extention in this specific case boundled in the K-Lite installer (there was no windows choice about this during installation).

AdwCleaner makes is job as well putting the .exe in quarantine, btw some fo...

Re: AdwCleaner can't remove something

Yes I did it, and rescaning found the same files with internet connection. But my problem still same. After reboot I scaning with Adw, and found Key  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{10921475-03CE-4E04-90CE-E2E7EF20C814}. Adw cleaner can't delete this file. Every scan I found that.