Re: Adwcleaner on Windows 10 on Dell cause crash



Please activate Debug Mode as follows so we can see a report which may be helpful with identifying the problem.

  • Double-click on AdwCleaner.exe to open the tool.
  • Click on Options in the top menu.
  • Put a check mark next to Activate debug mode
  • Click on the Scan button
  • A logfile report called AdwCleaner_dbg_XXXX.log (where XXXX represents the time run) will be created and saved to %sys...

Re: False Positive - Interstat Softwares

Thank you for your suggestion, rufus, I was considering this as well.

Is there a way I could receive guidelines from the Xplode team to prevent our product to be flagged if the detection cannot be fixed in our case ?

EDIT: Here is the detection log:

Thank you for your help

Nettoyage en profondeur ...

Bonjour à tous

ça fait un moment que je ne suis pas revenu sur le forum. Vous m'aviez vraiment aidé la dernière fois. J'ai de nouveau des soucis de performances avec le PC. Si vous pouviez m'aider à analyser les rapports, ce serait top.

ci-dessous le rapport AwdCleaner via pasteBin




Re: AdwCleaner Report


Perfect !

So, to conclude, if the computer seems stable, please proceed below. Otherwise, don't do the following instructions but telle me what's wrong.

We'll remove all the used tools :

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop.
  • Launch it with administrator rights.
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry.
  • Then click on the "Execute" button.
  • When eve...

Re: Strange weired Intermittent Background Sound in my laptop speakers


So, I don't see anything who could create such an issue for the speakers.. It's really strange. Does the problem persists when you plug external speakers ?

We have some stuff to remove :

  • Download ZHPFix here,
  • Copy the whole lines below, including "Script ZHPFix" :
Script ZHPFix:

O43 - CFD: 29...

Re: AdwCleaner Report


We'll use MBAM to remove some stuff, and then clean the remainings with ZHPFix like you did with Chapi if needed :


  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, cho...

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.


Just some more information :

  1. Keep your softwares update, you can check it whith secunia PSI, or use the avast fonctonality.
  2. Use CCleaner every month to erase unecessary files, that could help you to accelerate a bit your computer and your browser.
  3. Last instructions :
    • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop.
    • Launch it with administrator rights.
    • Select all the option except th...

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Hi Chapi,

This is ZHPFixReport without using Drop-box opton:

Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015 Fichier d'export Registre : Run by My Computer at 11/27/2015 2:39:30 PM High Elevated Privileges : OK Windows Vista Business Edition, 64-bit  (Build 6000)

Recycle Bin emptied (14mn AMs) Prefetcher emptied

========== Software ========== REMOVES: Kaspersky Secu...

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Ok, so I've made a more detailled explanation (all the links refer to a picture with what to do) :

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Hello Chapi,

You are saying above

"Import" What does supposedly import?

"Copy (what?) paste (to where?) this script including "Script ZHPFix"(above line only?)". This statement reffers two items + ZHPFixReport.txt = 3 items?
