Re: Video Editor


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Re: Folder deleted by mistake


can you please try instructions given on the following link in order to take back ownership of these two folders ?



Re: Folder deleted by mistake

hello cocochepeau, any idea yet how to get back or get rid of the unknown owner in these folders and files? 

kind regards from the tyrol ernst  

Re: Video Editor

PS: Windows Movie Maker is also a good tool for video editing.

Re: Video Editor


Cause: Advertising.

bugfixxer binessentials wininfos winessential

on AdsFix by ZooT

I have these repeatedly. I can make them go away but they always come back. I read some threads that this was discussed but I couldn't seem to get a clear solution ??????

Cannot remove Bing from Firefox, even with ADWCleaner (this reposted from Toolslib)

As the subject says...

I've successfully removed Bing from Chrome and replaced it with Google.

I've removed Bing from Edge and replaced it with DuckDuckGo..

I think I've removed it from Windows 10. I've disabled Cortana (I think).

But after numerous attempts I've failed to rid Foxfire (normaly my preferred browser) of the pestilential Bing. It should be searching with Google. No other Searc...

Re: Infected LNK, False positive ?


Pour ceux qui n'auraient pas suivis tous les posts, la réponse a été donnée par fr33tux (administrateur) il y a déjà un bon bout de temps.

En bref:

"Je m'occupe de corriger ce faux-positif rapidement, d'ici là vous pouvez ignorer cette détection sans inquiétude."

Cordialement et, Merci à fr33tux.

Passant, 2016-10-20 05:43:55 (UTC)

Les expressions "bon bout de temps" et "rapide...

simple Help

I have bought simple help remote software .If I try to run ADWcleaner remotely it will kill the software.

How can I tell ADWcleaner not to kill the remote support program?




Re: Folder deleted by mistake

Yes, the two folders are in place but many of the files and folders have an unknown ownership wich cannot be altered - it leads to 'access denied'