Re: Fehlmeldung in Adw Reiniger?


Sehen wir das Logfile?


Cocochepeau, 2019-03-31 18:01:48 (UTC)


# ------------------------------- # Malwarebytes AdwCleaner # ------------------------------- # Build:    01-30-2019 # Database: 2019-04-01.1 (Cloud) # Support: # # ------------------------------- # Mode: Scan # ------------------------------- # Start:    04-0...

Re: AdwCleaner 7.1.1 false positive with Vulkan

Checked on my 3 other Nvidia GC PC's and didn't find the "C:\Windows\System32\Unknown" folder.

This folder has been installed on march.

Vulkan runtime libraries come from NVidia drivers. As they appear useless for me I uninstalled them on my 4 PC's.

Not sure now that it's not a malware...

HiSpeed, 2018-05-01 10:35:03 (UTC)

I think you must check this issue on Microsoft forums there you'l...

Re: Download fails repeatedly

Glad to know it's working! And sorry it took us so long to fix the issue.

Re: Download fails repeatedly


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm looking into it and will get back to you as soon as possible. We'll fix the issue. :)


Download fails repeatedly

I've been trying to download Win14393PESE-X86 iso, windows recovery toolkit but it fails on multiple browsers. Less than 10% is downloaded on the laptop and no more than 50% through the phone.

How can I get a copy of the toolkit, is there another source?


Re: Remove botton

Yes, sorry for the late answer.

This might be it. We've seen some issues with the Remove button on Vista.

About Vista, you should read this:


ClearLNK by Alex Dragokas                                 ver.

OS:       x64 Windows 7 Ultimate, 6.1.7601.0, Service Pack: 1 Time:     03.03.2019 - 15:39 Language: OS: RU (0x419). Display: RU (0x419). Non-Unicode: RU (0x419) Elevated: Yes User:     Home    (group: Administrator)

_____________________________ Начало отчёта ____________________________ . [WARN] 1  "C:\Users\Home\AppDat...


ClearLNK by Alex Dragokas                                 ver.

OS:       x64 Windows 7 Ultimate, 6.1.7601.0, Service Pack: 1 Time:     03.03.2019 - 15:22 Language: OS: RU (0x419). Display: RU (0x419). Non-Unicode: RU (0x419) Elevated: Yes User:     Home    (group: Administrator)

_____________________________ Начало отчёта ____________________________ . [WARN] 1  "C:\ProgramData\Micro...

Re: Remove botton

Sorry for my late reply.

Are you running AdwCleaner on Windows Vista?

Re: winupdatefix

test :) ( I keep getting 500 errors everytime I post)

Rake, 2019-02-24 21:47:20 (UTC)

I'll take a look at it. Sorry for the inconvenience.