Ok. I'll dig deeper in this direction, it's something that should be improved with the second CLI release (not the coming one, but the one after).
Sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks for the feedback,
Ok. I'll dig deeper in this direction, it's something that should be improved with the second CLI release (not the coming one, but the one after).
Sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks for the feedback,
Since you've also send us an email, I've answered you there.
Since I don't see the precise issue, it's difficult to troubleshoot. It's not abnormal to need to run in safemode in order to remove specific elements.
Hi Xplode, sorry for dropping off the map like that. Life has been crazy.
Kaseya changed their paths; here's their current paths (I included our GUID, but other companies will have a different one):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\AgentMon.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\curl.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\DLLRunner32.exe
Thanks. You can ignore it for now, sorry for the inconvenience,
It's fixed, sorry for the inconvenience !
fr33tux, 2016-09-15 22:08:42 (UTC)
Hey thanks! You guys are awesome keep up the great work!
It's fixed, sorry for the inconvenience !
Le rapport est incomplet. Pouvez-vous héberger le rapport sur https://up2sha.re/ Et coller ici le lien généré ?
hi there I am a new user here ~ !
first I had to tell you that your Adware cleaner tool is more greates adwares cleanning-up tool I’ve been seen !
and I have a problem with the new version 5.010 since your tool is detected some adware stuff on my system but it was unable to remove it !
I have to removed all found adwares but they still coming back ! any help with that /.?
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