Re: Problems with ADW 5.034


i have just downloaded 5.034 from here:

No reaction during generic search

Scan is now hanging for 10 minutes during Check Internet Browsers. I have now deleted after 20 Minutes the whole Scan Process via Task manager!


Re: False Positive / Firefox Add On "Sun Cult"



you can find the Add-On here....

I'm using this Add-On for many years, last version from July 2015 and was never detected by ADW till version 5.032.


Re: Problems with ADW 5.034


When did you download this version? Can you download it again on Toolslib or BleepingComputer and tell me if you still face this issue. I updated the version this morning without changing the version number.

Moreover, what do you mean by "no reaction" ? Did the scan still complete? How long did it take? 


Fenêtre de version obsolète vide

on AdwCleaner by ****


La fenêtre de version obsolète reste vide chez moi (j'ai W7 et W8.1). Ça ne me gène pas, mais risque de ne pas faire sérieux pour les personnes découvrant ce précieux logiciel.


The outdated version window stay empty to me (I have W8 and W8.1). I don't care, but it may seem not serious for the people discovery this precious software. (sorry for my bad english)

Re: Error during scan

So this did resolve the issue, although I performed a system restore just before I downloaded it the second time. So I couldn't say exactly what fixed the problem, but regardless I don't have it anymore. Thanks for the help in any case!

Re: Error during scan

Okay, I didn't mean for the debug log to be so illegible.

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 203 elements from 'generic_browsefox' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 70 elements from 'generic_crossrider' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 289 elements from 'generic_multiplug' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 157 elements from 'generic_mywebsea...

Error during scan

I just downloaded adwcleaner 5.034 and upon running a scan I recieve an error show in this image

When running the program under debug mode this was the log it produced:


2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local...

Re: False positive check

*sighs* Sorry to reply with this, but v.5.034 found another.
# AdwCleaner v5.034 - Creato file registro eventi 16/02/2016 in 22:48:02
# Aggiornato 16/02/2016 da Xplode
# Database : 2016-02-16.2 [Server]
# Sistema operativo : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (x86)
# Nome utente : Gakutenou - FROSTIE
# In esecuzione da : C:\Documents\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.034.exe
# Opzione : Analisi
# Supp...

False positive check

Detected by v.5.033. Please help me in case it's an actual infection.
# AdwCleaner v5.033 - Creato file registro eventi 16/02/2016 in 13:24:17
# Aggiornato 07/02/2016 da Xplode
# Database : 2016-02-15.1 [Server]
# Sistema operativo : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (x86)
# Nome utente : Gakutenou - FROSTIE
# In esecuzione da : C:\Documents\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.033.exe
# Opzione : Anal...

Effacer des programmes obstinés

on Microsoft Windows by ****


Je veux formater le disque D de mon ordinateur. Mais je n'arrive pas à supprimer certains programmes installés. Le système Windows me dit que ces programmes sont en cours exécutés et qu'il est impossible de les supprimer. Mais en fait, je ne les lance pas. J'ai une doute s'il y a des programmes qui permettent de supprimer tout d'un disque. Connaissez-vous ce genre de logiciel ? Merci ...