Re: False Positive: Services: sssvc


Can you provide the whole logfile ? (in C:\AdwCleaner\)

Thanks !

Re: False Positive: Folders: %userfolder%\REACHit


Can you share the whole logfile please ? (in C:\AdwCleaner\)


False Positive: Services: sssvc

on AdwCleaner by ****

Today, a false positive was found on a Lenovo Thinkpad.

Services: sssvc

This one is part of the Lenovo Intelligent Sensing.

Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSense

Files: C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSense\LogEvent.exe [Size: 12,504 bytes, Date: 2015-07-22 9:07 PM] C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSense\SensorAware.dll [Size: 176,344 bytes, Date: 2015-07-22 9:07 PM] C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartSe...

Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner

Salut :)

Très bien, effectivement ZHPDiag ne montre plus de trace de MPC. On va quand même vérifier que tout est bien parti.

Tu peux me fournir le rapport de MBAM :

  • Relance Malwarebytes -> clique sur Historique -> Journaux de l'application -> Sélectionne le dernier Journal d'examen -> Afficher.
  • Clique en bas sur [Exporter] -> fichier texte (*.txt) -> Choisis le bureau comme emplacement, nom...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Yes I'm aware of that, I'm running on limited RAM, so sometimes older versions are a must. But, I run Firefox in Sandboxie, and the older versions of Avast and MBAM still get current definitions updates....At the end of the day XP is out of date by a couple of years. Limited finances prevent upgrades. The Motherboard is maxed out at 512MB RAM. But having said all that, the machine runs lean and...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108


I don't manage to reproduce it on XP SP3, X86 with only Mozilla Firefox as installed software..

Can you generate a ZHPDiag logreport to get more informations on your system ?

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click)
  • Then upload the log file on up2share (you will find it on your desktop, just drop the file on the upload z...

Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner


Bienvenue sur le forum ! Nous allons essayer de régler ton problème ensemble. D'abord, quelques rappels :

  • N'ouvre pas d'autres sujets pour le même problème (que ce soit sur ce forum ou sur un autre)
  • N'hésite pas à poser des questions en cas de besoin ;)
  • Sois patient(e) quand tu postes un message, je ne réponds pas instantanément : je suis bénévole et je ne suis pas en permanence de...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Hi, thanks for the update.

I appreciate the help from you and the AdwCleaner team.



Please download WinsockReset , run it and click on "Proceed with defaults". Is the problem solved after that ?

If it's ok, please download this specific version of AdwCleaner, run a scan, then a clean and tell me if AdwCleaner still breaks your internet connection?
