Re: AdwCleaner Report


Please repeat what you did with Chapi with ZHPFix, but using the following content :

Script ZHPFix:

O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Shockwave Player 12.0 - (.Adobe Systems, Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0099B484-C24C-4D5F-8167-B0F6DF196E72} ©
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Safer Networking Limited
P2 - EXT: (...) -- C:\Progr...

Re: AdwCleaner Report


Here's MalwareByte's log:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 11/30/2015 Scan Time: 5:32 PM Logfile: Scan.txt Administrator: Yes

Version: Malware Database: v2015.11.30.06 Rootkit Database: v2015.11.26.01 License: Free Malware Protection: Disabled Malicious Website Protection: Disabled Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 CPU: x64 F...

Re: AdwCleaner Report


We'll use MBAM to remove some stuff, and then clean the remainings with ZHPFix like you did with Chapi if needed :


  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, cho...

Re: bizarre voice in my laptop speakers


Can you provide me the following files :

  • AdwCleaner[S0]
  • AdwCleaner[C1]

The slowness appeared suddendly ?



Strange weired Intermittent Background Sound in my laptop speakers

on Désinfection by ****

Hi friends,


I need your help. Since 1 month, I heard a strange weired Intermittent Background Sound in my laptop speakers. Also my computer is unusually very slow. I suspect an infection.

please tell me what to do, what to clean, what tool i have to download. I used a CCleaner, but still the same.

any help from you guys will realley appreciated.


thank you


Re: AdwCleaner Report


Can you share me the AdwCleaner logfile ? It's located in C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S1].txt

I'm analyzing the ZHPDiag report.


Re: AdwCleaner Report


Here's the link to the ZHPDiag report:


Re: AdwCleaner Report


Ok. Please relaunch AdwCleaner, and click on [Clean]. Then, share the created logfile. Here's the documentation if needed.


  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on his website
  • Then run it with administrator's rights (with right click)
  • Then upload the log file on up2share (you will find it on your desktop, just drop the file on the upload zone)
  • Then post the link in your reply


AdwCleaner Report


I'm sure more to find in my OS than the AdwCleaner removed.

# AdwCleaner v5.022 - Logfile created 27/11/2015 at 16:47:22
# Updated 22/11/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-11-22.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Username : sjb - SJB-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\sjb\Favorites\Downloads\AdwCleaner(1).exe
# Option : Scan
# Support : http://toolslib....

Re: Ok, so i used ADW cleaner. Can someone help me explain?


Yes it's normal. Please see the relevant part in the documentation.


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