My name is Namir BSATA

My email is nb5 at videotron dot ca

I did a new scan with AdwCleaner and I found 8 threats so I clicked on the clean button and I did a new scan and there is still 2 threats

which I am not able to clean and delete.

Have a great day


Re: Entry Point EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding not found


Here is what we gonna try to get it fixed :

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop;
  • Launch it with administrator rights;
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry;
  • Then click on the "Execute" button;
  • When everything is finish, the software will close itself;
  • Then a report appear on the notepad, please copy paste it's content in your answer.

Tell ...


I did a new scan today and I found 8 threats so I clicked on the clean button and then I did another scan and there is still

2 threats which I cant clean and delete.

Please help me

Have a great day.


Re: Can't Delete Threats

It's alright, I informed myself now and managed to remove it manually by going into the registry. What was it and was it something really dangerous or not a big deal? Since I'm by no means well educated in computer things, I got quite startled when I saw the word 'threat'. Should I be worried? Is it my PC safe if all my antivirus programs tell me there are no threats?

Thank you for taking your...

Re: Can't Delete Threats


It will be fixed with the coming v6.010 release and the database update in a few minutes.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Can't Delete Threats [Sorry for Spamming]

So I recently scanned adwcleaner and I received 3 threats. After pressing delete and rebooting my PC, the threats remained. No other program detects these threats.

Here is the log file: https://up2sha.re/file?f=cGgENTZmRphx

Thank you for your patience and help :)

Re: Can't Delete Threats

Here you go:


By the way, I scanned numerous programs including Malwarebytes, HitmanPro, Windows Defender, Junkware Remover, and Adwcleaner. Adwcleaner was the only one who recognized it.I also scanned mutiple times and it doesn't seem to want to go away.

Thank you for your help :)

Re: Can't Delete Threats


Can you share the logfile ? Usually from C:\AdwCleaner\. Host it on https://up2sha.re/ and paste the generated link here.

Best regards,

Can't Delete Threats

So I recently scanned adwcleaner and I received 3 threats. After pressing delete and rebooting my PC, the threats remained. No other program detects these threats. What can I do? (How do I post my logs?)


Re: removing registry keys from adwcleaner

on AdwCleaner by ****

Here is the log file:

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 21/08/2016 at 20:30:21 # Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-08-21.4 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : Muhammad - MUHAMMAD-PC # Running from : E:\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.000.exe # Mode: Scan # Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious s...

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