Re: ADWCleaner Kills Kaseya

It looks like it was fine, however running ADWCleaner caused the PC to lock up entirely, requiring a hard reboot.

I have seen this happen when user folders such as Documents/Desktop are redirected to a server or DFS namespace, such as \\domain.local\users\username\desktop, but this person had no such redirect as they have no server.

They might have a mapped drive to their NAS, but no folder r...

Re: ADWCleaner Kills Kaseya



It should be better with the latest definitions. Can you confirm ?

Best regards,

Re: ADWCleaner Kills Kaseya

Hi Xplode, sorry for dropping off the map like that. Life has been crazy.

Kaseya changed their paths; here's their current paths (I included our GUID, but other companies will have a different one):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\AgentMon.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\curl.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\DLLRunner32.exe

Re: adware removal problem with adware cleaner tool

1) There should be only one antivirus program in system!

 2) I recommend to uninstall this:

Bitdefender 60-Second Virus Scanner, ESET Online Scanner v3, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version, SUPERAntiSpyware. Also there are drivers from McAfee. Them also should be cleaned.

Traces from whole bunch of antivirus tools, like UVK - Ultra Virus Killer, Zemana, RogueKiller, ZHPCleaner, Tre...

Re: adware removal problem with adware cleaner tool

1) There should be only one antivirus program in system!

 2) I recommend to uninstall this:

Bitdefender 60-Second Virus Scanner, ESET Online Scanner v3, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version, SUPERAntiSpyware. Also there are drivers from McAfee. Them also should be cleaned.

Traces from whole bunch of antivirus tools, like UVK - Ultra Virus Killer, Zemana, RogueKiller, ZHPCleaner, Tren...

Re: kfakeonomonapccoamcmdgpoaicnpnoo

Alors oui, effectivement, j'ai désinstallé chrome et tous les composants "Google", vires tous les fichiers dans USER (C:\Users\Utilisateur\AppData\Local\Google), redémarre la bête, passe un p'tit coup de ccleaner, puis RogueKiller ... et normalement ...

Enfin, pour moi, ça a fonctionné comme ça ;-)

Et dis toi comme dans la pub "Je l'aurais une jor, je l'aurais !" LOL

Re: kfakeonomonapccoamcmdgpoaicnpnoo

on Désinfection by ****

Salut FredAtWeb

Effectivement ... On a de drôe de nom ... J'ai essayé avec RogueKiller (Version gratuite) mais rien de mieux .

Toujours ces deux fichiers qui disparaissent avec un passage d'ADW mais reviennent !!!

Il va falloir peut etre me résoudre a supprimer Goggle Chrome ! Je ne vois pas d'autre possibilité .. pour le moment.

Merci de ton aide . Si tu as un autre tuyau n'hésites pas A b...

Re: kfakeonomonapccoamcmdgpoaicnpnoo

Bonjour hamrog (on a tous de drôle de nom quand même ! LOL)

Hé bien oui ! Figures-toi que j'ai testé autre chose ... Essaye RogueKiller, dans sa version gratuite ;-)

A bientôt 

Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

Unfortunately it still gets killed. I suspect it is javaw.exe since the remote software program runs on Java

javaw.exe shows up twice in the debug log but it is not whitelisted.

Appreciate your help

Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

Thank you for taking the time to work with me on this. It is greatly appreciated.

In the debug log I see SimpleService.exe as a service being killed with no whitelist line under it but it appears that file isn't actually the file that keeps the remote session active anyways.

I manually killed the SimpleService.exe service and the remote session stays active with no problems.

Please see scree...