Glad to see everything is working again. 7.0.2 seems to be a lot more stable than other versions, hopefully, this continues. Also, you could upload your pictures to a free image upload site and paste the links here :)
Glad to see everything is working again. 7.0.2 seems to be a lot more stable than other versions, hopefully, this continues. Also, you could upload your pictures to a free image upload site and paste the links here :)
Hi, I had the same problem, it would do a scan and then when I would clean it would stop right away and say Caught and some other things can't think of offhand but it would not let me x it out and would have to minimize it and then right click to close window. That was from the time it went from 7.0.0 to the 7.0.1. I know it changes after a few weeks or so so I have been checking every few da...
Here's the log... I still get that one PUP.Optional.Legacy result, dammit.
So it's really an infection after all?
# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sun Aug 13 19:14:04 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes # Database: 08-11-2017.1 # Running on Windows 7 Home Premium (X86) # Mode: scan # Support:
***** [ Services ] *****
No malicious servic...
Can you share the debug logfile? (click on Tools > Options > tick Debug and do a scan/clean to trigger the bug. Then, share the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_debug.log).
Can you give a try to this version: ?
Hi, I just register today.
Adwcleaner have message shown after stop.
*** Caught unhandled unknown exception; terminationg
Please fix this problem.
Thank you.
ideme j'ai le meme probleme ???????
Okay, Thank you very much sir.
Nothing to worry about that since your AV blocked the website.
His account has been banned.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you so much for your help. just another thing, this guy who's commenting here and posted a malicious link, should i worry about that ?