I see nothing related to cleaning mode in the debug logfile. Can you please tell me exactly when does AdwCleaner freezes?
Thank you.
I see nothing related to cleaning mode in the debug logfile. Can you please tell me exactly when does AdwCleaner freezes?
Thank you.
Hi there, I have run the scan couple times, the last time with the box "debug mode" ticked and here is what came up. Can you please help me solve this where the problem might be?
2016-11-11 11:50:11 : <INFO> [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file 2016-11-11 11:50:13 : <INFO> [main.gui] - Scan requested 2016-11-11 11:50:14 : <INFO> [scan] - Running fro...
ADWCleaner deleted a folder saved on my desktop. As per suggestions on this thread, I ran the Quarantine Manager to restore the files. It worked. Files restored and my pc is much faster now after Ive deleted all those adware.
Thank you for this product.
Thank you for sharing the debug logfile. We should be able to work with this.
I followed the directions on another thread and ended up with a link that i don't know what to do with:
Sorry, can`t use MBAM on my computer. It will not install at first and when it finaly do I can`t run it. I have been in contact with MBAM crew about this before but no solution worked. (And I tried all of the solutions and it took time but no one worked)
But here is the log from adw cleaner:
# AdwCleaner v6.030 - Logfile created 06/11/2016 at 18:42:21 # Updated on 19/10/2016 by Malwarebytes ...
I would collaborate to revise the Italian trasnaltion for AdsFix (currently Italin one is not so good).
How can do it?
I propose you to post in some place all language files (master english + other languages available) to help you with translation.
Can you share AdwCleaner logfile?