Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

Samwellajackson, Until instructed otherwise. I can try and help you out until Fr33tux or cocochepeau respond. 

Have you tried booting into safemode and Deleting the C:\WINDOWS\SysNative\drivers\ucguard.sys file manually? If not I'd create a system restore point and try that.

nobot help detect some files

okay i run free scan of nobot and found some files but ethminer is part of nicehash bitcoin tool so false positive? or i have wrong version of nicehash? svchost windows file. i remove software information program found i dont know what that is. good program thank you.


Re: besoin aide pour savoir si c'est une menace

Bonsoir c'est ceux que je fais mais il revient a chaque fois mais je sais d'ou provient la menace mais je ne pense pas que sa soit a cause de cella

j'ai une barre de surf a chaque fois que je la demarre j'ai la menace et dans le dossier de la barre j'ai juste ce fichier nommer user.config


voici ceux quil  y a dedans


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>     <configSect...

Re: Random Internet connection problem and exploit protection shutdown

OK, so we'll try to resolve this issue.

I would suggest you to run Network troubleshooter, it will automatically troubleshoot the network problem and check. If it helps.

  1. Press Windows + X keys on the keyboard and select Control Panel.
  2. Type Troubleshooting in the search bar on the Control Panel.
  3. Click on View all on the left navigation pane.
  4. Click on Network troubleshooter.
  5. Click on Advanc...

AdwCleaner - False detection?

# AdwCleaner v6.042 - Logfile created 23/01/2017 at 17:52:10
# Updated on 06/01/2017 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2017-01-23.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Mode: Scan
# Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders found.

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious fil...

Re: menace apres passage de Adwcleaner


Pour votre problème, il est probable que l'extension revienne via la synchronisation Chrome. On va donc la désactiver:

Allez sur Google Sync, et connectez vous.  Descendez dans la page, puis cliquez sur "Réinitialiser la synchronisation". Cliquez alors sur "Ok".

Ensuite, lancez AdwCleaner, faites une analyse suivie d'un nettoyage, puis partagez le rapport généré.


Re: AdwCleaner needs a .dll for running



Can you do the following to look for "sqlite3.dll" files on your computer ?

  • Download SEAF :
  • Right-click on the icon -> Execute as Administrator.
  • In the search field, type "sqlite3.dll".
  • Then, start the search. A report will open when the search is over (it contains the search results). Please share it here.


Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

I had several unwanted programs including adware and malware, and malwarebytes and adwcleaner removed most but UCguard and UCguard.sys still remain when scanning with adwcleaner. I had attempted to remove all unwanted programs in bulk and adwleaner would stop responding and I would have to restart my computer. I eventually narrowed the issue down to UCguard and now it is all that remains. I hav...

menace apres passage de Adwcleaner

Bonjour, une nouvelle fois je fais appel  a vos services pour une menace persistance.

je vous joins le rapport genere

Merci pour vos conseils

Re: AdwCleaner needs a .dll for running

Reimage Plus pop-ups don't leave my Chrome navigator.

I tried ALL programs, I cleaned my registry, my data archives, my temp archives... My last opportunity is to use AdwCleaner :o/