Lecture de mes 2 rapports de zhp diag et zhp cleaner


Cela fait un mois que j'ai posté 2 rapports de ZHPdiag et ZHP cleaner et personne ne les a lus. Pourquoi? J'attends toujours une réponse pour voir si je suis infectée.

Merci beaucoup


Re: False Positives

The items listed under domains in the original post will have been given a value of 4 in the registry.  This figure means they are "blocked" (by SpywareBlaster or whatever) so should never be reported by ADWCleaner.  We have had this type of FP before so it seems ADWCleaner needs to be programmed to ignore those with that value.

Re: Rapport de ZHP Diag


Quelqu'un pourrait lire mes 2 rapports de ZHP Diag et ZHP cleaner SVP?



Rapport de ZHP Diag



Pourriez-vous lire le rapport de ZHPDiag et me dire si je suis infectée SVP?



Re: False Positives

I got the exact same results after downloading version 7.2.2, so it probably is a FP.

# -------------------------------
# Malwarebytes AdwCleaner
# -------------------------------
# Build:    07-17-2018
# Database: 2018-07-19.5
# Support:  https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
# -------------------------------
# Mode: Scan
# -------------------------------
# Start:    07-20-2018
# Du...

False Positives

No detection with version 7.2.1

All these reg keys are restricted sites in IE11 (SpywareBlaster protection).

# ------------------------------- # Malwarebytes AdwCleaner # ------------------------------- # Build:    07-17-2018 # Database: 2018-07-16.3 # Support:  https://www.malwarebytes.com/support # # ------------------------------- # Mode: Scan # ------------------------------- # St...

Re: Résultat du rapport ZHP cleaner


Cela fait un bout de temps que j'ai demandé à quelqu'un de lire mon rapport de ZHPcleaner et personne ne m'a répondu. Serait-il possible de savoir si mon ordinateur est infecté et comment le corriger si c'est le cas.?



False positive?

Greetings. I have these two detections:

PUP.DownloadProtect.Heuristic   HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\POLICIES\GOOGLE\Chrome

PUP.DownloadProtect.Heuristic   HKLM\SOFTWARE\POLICIES\GOOGLE\Chrome

Are they false positives or a real threat?

Thanks in advance.

Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

Remove botton. 1) pc1: no messages from Comodo > Remove botton works well; 2) pc2: messages from Comodo, I click on Allow as Safe application > Remove botton doesnt work, nothing happens.

Problem fully resolved by doing: Comodo > Applications> right click > "Unlock %temp% folder: uninstall.bat". ok!

PS: Comodo deleted your adwcleaner.exe when trying to copy it into a pendrive marking it as Ma...


I need to delete the cookies from my computer

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