Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?

thxs for the 6.044!!

is this the major release you told about or is an intermediate one..??



Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys


Please do the following:

  • Relaunch frst
  • Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  • Click on the "Scan" button
  • The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  • Please host them on Up2Share and share the generated link


Re: zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system


thanks Destrio5 and cocochepeau for confirm. so I want to confirm this first and I want ask how can I restoring items form zhp cleaner Quarantine ?

not sure If those Elements are still there or not so I guess I will ran a new scan right now

Re: Problème infection récalcitrance

Les éléments du rapport Malwarebytes n'ont pas été supprimés (cf "Aucune action de l'utilisateur"). Pouvez-vous les supprimer et me partager le rapport de suppression ?


Re: zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system

I agree with Destrio5, these deleted elements definitely can't produce a startup failure.

Re: Adwcleaner ne détecte toujours rien!

Merci infiniment ,

au contraire ,vous m'avez rendu service

Excellente journée


Re: Adwcleaner ne détecte toujours rien!

Bonjour , fr33tux



Je vous remercie pour votre intrusion.

La clé que j'ai utilisée pour MBAM v2, n’est pas acceptée par la version 3

Une fois j'avais même désinstallé la version 2 et j'ai essayé de l'utiliser à nouveau elle a été refusée

Il a fallu que je fasse la restauration du système pour retrouver MBAM v2 intacte




Re: Not able to install MBAM


Can you share a screenshot of the message showing a fault has occured?


zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system


I was on my old system and I have ran zhp cleaner on it and zhp cleaner have found some items (Probably are files belong to Windows). after that I had to clean it up those found items and reboot my system . and when my system is up once again . the system have a real delayed problem at "welcome screen and desktop and my desktop also have a problem to loaded up with a serious error at startu...

Re: Problème infection récalcitrance

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