Adwclwaner y Norton anti-virus

Several elements must be present in a fast-track product launch if it is to be successful, say executives from Kiwi Brands Inc, which launched its Ty-D-Bol Triple Action Stain-Fighting Liquid in Oct 1995 after just 150 days of preparation. Those elements include clear communications and a close working relationship between different segments of the design team, computerized information processi...

Re: Adwcleaner Command Line interface -version CLI

the only -living- activity here seems to close 3d not in compliance with the -new- malawarebyte's acquisition guidelines..

what a shame..

more then 30 days to have a -minor- update..when it always tooks nearly 15days in the past..

consequently a BIG BUG in the tool here since nearly a YEAR..

and a vers, the 7.1, announced at october 2017..STILL to come

and now a new tool, ZHP cleaner is on...

Re: vers 7.0


As I said (many many times) AdwCleaner v7.1 is still being developed actively. Unfortunately it took some time (longer than we expected) but it's almost ready.

I'm closing this one. Feel free to open a new thread if you have more questions.

Re: vers 7.0

they have already replied with a big lie..: -october-..

maybe they intended october 2018..??

what a shame..

now the only thing to do is to use ZHP Cleaner

lots of compliments..


Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


Can you give me the steps to reproduce this issue?

  • What web browser / version ;
  • With or without download manager, etc..


cocochepeau, 2018-02-28 19:19:42 (UTC)

Just use Download Master with 2 or more simultanious downloads threads for one file and here you get error.

As for browser error, click Download, it will open new link, then you get option to choose what to do with ...

Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas


je l'ai fais mais ça bloque defois,meme qu'on je le supprime dans le gestionnaire des taches il revient donc je l'ai desactivé et changé mon anti-virus vers kaspersky


projet à un autre


je ne vois pas de moyen simple pour passer d'un projet à un autre.

Je suis obligé de le fermer / ré ouvrir pour obtenir la possibilité d'ouvrir un autre projet.

Est-ce normal ? ou c'est moi qui ne sait pas faire.

Si c'est normal, un petit onglet ou select serait le bien venu.

Sinon logiciel vraiment sympa :-)

Re: AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC

Here is the one from the session that ran right after it installed correctly. AdwCleaner doesn't seem to like Wise and Auslogics applications; it found them and quarantined them, which is fine. Now, the issue with AdwCleaner not installing was occuring before Wise or Auslogics apps were installed.

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Mon Feb 19 19:47:12 2018 # Updated on 2018/08/02 by Mal...

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


The issue with download managers is known and will be resolved at the end of the week. In the meantime, please avoid using any download manager while downloading AdwCleaner - it should then work as expected.

To be more precise, this is related to parallel download feature (in Chrome, since version 64) and some other download managers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


caught unhandled unknown exception terminating

als ik gescant heb en ik wil opruimen geeft die caught unhandled unknown exception terminating en hij slaat vast