Apres un Malwarebyte aucune menace n'a ete detecte.
J'utilise depuis longtemps Malwarebytes antimalware pro
Apres un Malwarebyte aucune menace n'a ete detecte.
J'utilise depuis longtemps Malwarebytes antimalware pro
Sorry I was unclear. You can deselect the element "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\41A66E7E5EE1" from the "Folders", and do a clean.
This element seems to be a FP caused by a generic detection.
Best regards,
Merci. Pouvez faire ce qui suit ?
Merci. Pouvez faire ce qui suit ?
This detection is triggered by the fake firefox profile generic, which is a FP in your case.. Please uncheck it before cleaning.
Can you share the whole logfile too?
Voici la marche à suivre :
Merci !
Bonjour pas de soucis dites moi ce que vous souhaitez comme un fichier, ainsi que la methode pour le realiser.
Pouvez-vous relancer une Analyse et me partager le rapport généré ?
Hi everyone, I was trying to login to my laptop but encountered an error, user profile cannot be loaded. How can I solve it? Laptop runs on win7 and there are no other user profiles loaded.
Hello, this is my fist post. AdwCleaner is an amazing tool which saved my skin multiple times, but now I have an issue.
This is from the log:
***** [ Folders ] *****
Folder Found: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\41A66E7E5EE1
When I don't uncheck it, then AdwCleaner removes my whole Firefox profile folder, so I lose all my seetings, browsing history, etc. I had to ...