Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner


You should contact me directly at xplode[at] instead of Toolslib contact form because I don't receive these emails ( this form is only dedicated to contact Toolslib's admins )


Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner

Hi Xplode,

Sorry for that delay! I just (today 18:07 P.M.) sent to you the informations you wanted: i used your contacts

web page ( ) to send you an eMail with exported reg-key. I exported

the Reg-Key to a simple text-file. If you need more informations just post here again or send me

an eMail. You can find my eMail-adress in the message i just sent to you....


Re: Can I help you to translate Adwcleaner in Czech language?


Thank you. I will answer you directly by email.


Re: Can I help you to translate Adwcleaner in Czech language?

Done. I just sent you by email the file translated in Czech.

Can you confirm you received it and the format of the file is correct?

Re: Can I help you to translate Adwcleaner in Czech language?


I will look at the file and I will send you the translated file by email.

Re: why couln't remove 'albireo"

sorry for late reply actually i dont use any antivirus (my bad) but when i browse some website, albireo ads shows up, and its annoying. i thought its can be delete from adwcleaner but it couldnt

# AdwCleaner v5.102 - Logfile created 16/03/2016 at 12:57:17
# Updated 13/03/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-03-14.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 8.1 Pro  (x64)
# Username : user - TOSHIBA

Re: hotmail et outlook ne fonctionnent plus

on ADS by fr33tux


Que voulez-vous dire par "demeurent vides" ? Vos mails ont disparu ?

hotmail et outlook ne fonctionnent plus

on Disinfection by ****

je n'ai plus de messagerie hotmail et outlook demeurent vides merci de votre aide

Re: Firefox 44.0.2 et AdwCleaner 5.100


Oui, je confirme.

La protection e-mail seulement est désactivée, mais plus du tout activable.

Seule une réinstallation du logiciel permet de la récupérer.


Re: Firefox 44.0.2 et AdwCleaner 5.100


Il y a quand même quelque chose qui ne va pas dans ce processus car il plante le fonctionnement de la protection e-mail de Avira Antivirus Pro.

Je suis obligé à chaque fois de réinstaller Avira pour récupérer cette protection...