nouvelle version 7.000

Une exception non gérée s'est produite. Appuyez sur Annuler pour terminer le programme pour réessayer de quitter le programme normalement et ignorer pour tenter de continuer.

Voici le texte qui s'affiche ( en anglais ), alors que l'analyse n'est pas terminée et, impossible de la reprendre.

Cet incident ne se produit pas sur mon portable. J'en déduis qu'il y a sur le "fixe" quelque chose qui "...

Re: Adwcleaner

Bonjour !

Je suis en train de corriger le souci je vous partagerai une version sous peu pour confirmer que c'est bien résolu.


Re: vers 7.0


The quarantine is in C:\AdwCleaner, but its format is different than how the v6 handled it, and the folders you mentionned above are related to the v6. It's not an issue, both can coexist.

It's possible that the detected elements have not been quarantined because they weren't considered as "dangerous" if being removed.


Re: vers 7.0

so where can i found the file log you require..??

i have the quarantine folder with those subfolders in  c\adwcleaner...

win 10 home 64bit creators update vers 1703



J'ai fait un scan avec la version précédente fin juin. Rien de positif.

Je viens de télécharger la version, et je ne peux terminer le scan. Presque à la fin de l'analyse ( 3 tentatives), un pavé m'annonce " un problème a fait que le programme a  cessé de fonctionner correctement. Windows va fermer ce programme, et vous indiquer si une solution est disponible.

Quel peut être ...

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

Glad you could solve the issue. And yeah, Malwarebytes is amazing, but I have found myself using ADWCleaner as well, there are something things one software doesn't clean as good as other, which is why it is always recommended to do multiple scans with multiple anti-malware solutions, just to be 100% sure.

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

Looks like safe with nw did the trick. Same two elements were identified, but this time the removal process included a step "cleaning chrome", which definitely wasn't in any of the other scans. When I restarted in regular mode and ran another scan with v7, there were "no unwanted objects found". Super psyched!!

Below are two log files -- first is the one generated after removal of two unwanted...

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

Please try in safe mode, and share the scan and/or clean logfile :)


Re: vers 7.0


Those folders are used by the v6 only, not the v7.

Re: AdwCleaner signature


Great! You should be able to use Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner now.