Can't remove these

on AdwCleaner by ****

This is my first time using AdwCleaner. I am not sure where these services are and how to delete them manually.

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 18/08/2016 at 23:24:40
# Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-08-19.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 8.1  (X64)
# Username : NPHAM - PHAM
# Running from : C:\Users\NPHAM\Desktop\AdwCleaner.exe
# Mode: Clean
# Support : http...

Re: adwcleaner_6.000 - On-Screen box will not maximise

The box I get is similar to above, but mine is cut off immediately above "Results".

ricki, 2016-08-19 03:00:23 (UTC)

Ok. Working on it for v6.010.

Forum will not let me paste an image :(

ricki, 2016-08-19 03:00:23 (UTC)

You need to host it somewhere (for instance on , then copy the link and use it with the "insert image" button on the forum text editor.

Re: adwcleaner_6.000 - On-Screen box will not maximise

The box I get is similar to above, but mine is cut off immediately above "Results".

Forum will not let me paste an image :(

Re: adwcleaner v6.000 : erreur fin d'analyse : impossible d'aboutir

6ème et dernière partie... (:( C'est très lourd...)

2016-08-18 21:45:50 :  <WARN> [scan.generic] - Found {FA0B094C-E46E-495E-A615-C4467466E18} 2016-08-18 21:45:50 :  <WARN> [scan.generic] - Found {FA1B59B3-A71F-4CF7-B8E7-514B578E135} 2016-08-18 21:45:50 :  <WARN> [scan.generic] - Found {FA69CCEB-E2EC-4233-93BB-B1C5A2DE8282} 2016-08-18 21:45:50 :  <WARN> [scan.generic] - Found {FA79F894-C354-49...

Re: adwcleaner v6.000 : erreur fin d'analyse : impossible d'aboutir


Pouvez-vous relancer AdwCleaner, cliquer sur Outils > Options, et cocher "Mode deboguage". Ensuite, lancez l'analyse pour provoquer le crash, et fournissez le rapport C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log, il contient les informations utiles pour remonter le problème.


adwcleaner v6.000 : erreur fin d'analyse : impossible d'aboutir


Je ne parviens pas à réaliser l'analyse. J'utilise windows10;

Blocage par un message d'erreur en fin d'analyse une fenetre autolt error s'ouvre et indique  "error : variable used without being declared" et je me fais ejecter

Comment contourner ce probleme pour réussir à finir l'analyse (grand nombre de menaces décelées)


Re: AdwCleaner 6.000 no language Italiano


the Italian translation should be ready at the end of the month, but if you want to help before, just tell me and refer to this page:

Best regards,

Re: AdwCleaner 6.000 no language Italiano

caro Roberto Boriotti quando da Language clicco si Italiano non varia il linguaggio rimane in inglese comunque Per il resto funziona bene

AdwCleaner 6.000 no language Italiano

caro Roberto Boriotti quando tento di mettere in Italiano il linguaggio non funziona roimane solo in Inglese io ho il windows 10; per il resto funziona bene

Re: ADW 6.000 Crash ( Soucis de conversion variable Sysnative vers System 32)

Dossier System32

Dossier SysWow64


La tache coresponds au lancement automatique du system control manager de MSI ( nessesaire pour avoir certaines touches et activer la webcam)