Hi everybody!

<p>C&ugrave;ng với Đại lộ Nguyễn Văn Linh mở ra cửa ng&otilde; th&ocirc;ng thương miền T&acirc;y với trung t&acirc;m Tp.HCM, Nguyễn Hữu Thọ được kỳ vọng l&agrave; trục giao th&ocirc;ng huyết mạch của khu Nam S&agrave;i G&ograve;n. L&agrave; một phần của tuyến đường trục Bắc - Nam c&oacute; điểm đầu l&agrave; Quốc lộ 22 (An Sương) đến Hiệp Phước (Nh&agrave; B&egrave;), đường Nguyễn Hữu T...

Re: Malwarebytes 3 and avira

some google results say this is due to the free premium feature for 14days - true? also the registry warning inconsistently happens on the second pc too but the 90% cpu usage stuff doesnt (eventho both exact same as said before) should my adwcleaner find sth if 1pc is effected by a virus? edit2: just tested again on my second machine and i was wrong when "scan memory" starts the cpu there spike...

Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

doublechecked too it goes likes this:

survey -> close browser -> run adwcleaner -> pups found -> dont repair -> open browser again AND delete cookies -> close browser -> run adw cleaner again -> no pups found - so 100% cookie related - probably just gathering personal data via those i would guess and making profit over those eventho they pay you for survey 

Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi yankeelady2015, you simply did a miracle! I performed the scannow as requested 16 day ago (CBS log posted above, with repairs). I tested the pc at reboot for about 10 days....always perfect!!! Thanks this wonderful forum my 10-years-old pc seems now to be a brand new pc! boot process in 3 minutes (inclusive antivirus) and zero hangs, zero BSOD: very good. I warmly warmly thank you a lot!!!! ...

rapports FRST à examiner pour pc 64 bits très lent



J'ai un hp pavillon entertainment sous windows 7 pro 64 bits qui est très lent. .J'ai passé ccleaner, reg cleaner, adw cleaner, zhp cleaner windows repair... n vain . J'ai passé frst et joins ci-dessous des liens vers les deux rapports, si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer..

Merci beaucoup,







pc 64 bits très lent rapports FRST



J'ai un hp pavillon entertainment sous windows 7 pro 64 bits qui est très lent. .J'ai passé ccleaner, reg cleaner, adw cleaner, zhp cleaner windows repair... n vain . J'ai passé frst et joins ci-dessous des liens vers les deux rapports, si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer..

Merci beaucoup,







Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi, no, I dont have a Dell ;)  Vista32 SP2. CBS log: it seems english ("reboot required" instead of "riavvio necessario"). the last line "Scavenge: Package store indicates there is no component to scavenge, skipping." I guess that scavenge means "clean" i.e no component that requires to be cleaned. I not rebooted after "the repair".

Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi Cumdacon,

Logs look good, it made a repair.  Have you rebooted your machine since yesterday?  If so, what happened?

I see you have a Dell.  You are also running Windows 6.0?   The scan /scannow is in a different language?  What did the last line say?

Please reply.


Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi Julie, thanks a lot. I add 1) screen shot of CMD tasks 2) complete log 3) complete CBS log with repair (filter by date: 2008/04/16, surely a BSOD at each boot may "damage further" other components, I did not run scandisk after each bsod). 1) https://postimg.cc/image/k18gauxl7/   2)  https://www5.zippyshare.com/v/vZ76jlav/file.html  3) https://www74.zippyshare.com/v/6D7nRNer/file.html  

Re: Adware Cleaner, Can It Really Stop Anything Except Healthy Software?

Hello Ethelena,

Welcome to ToolsLib,

Please answer the following questions in your reply.  First of all may I ask you what kind of

1)  anti virus software are you using? 

2)  What version Awd Cleaner are you using? 

3)  Do you have an ad blocking software installed on your computer? 

4)  Do you have PC Repair installed on your computer?

Warmest Regards,
