Re: Adwcleaner ne fonctionne pas, messages que je ne comprends pas

1. ========================= SEAF - C_XX 2. 3. Commencé à: 20:10:37 le 27/09/2016 4. 5. Valeur(s) recherchée(s): 6. libeay32.dll 7. 8. Légende: TC => Date de création, TM => Date de modification, DA => Dernier accès 9. 10. 11. ====== Fichier(s) ====== 12. 13. 14. "C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\libeay32.dll" [ ARCHIVE | 1611 Ko ] 15. TC: 27/08/2013,13:57:50 | TM: 27/08/2013,13:57:50...

Re: i need help please!

It's on all the browsers chrome and internet explorer I tried to delete chrome but the tab started to open internet explorer by itself

adwcleaner not finding problem

I repeatedly get malware that locks up my browser demanding a call to a phone number. Adwcleaner was the only program I found that fixed it - until today, the problem is there but adwcleaner says no threats. Windows 10 IE and edge.

Re: i need help please!

here is the first scan :  

# AdwCleaner v6.020 - Logfile created 24/09/2016 at 19:05:42 # Updated on 14/09/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-09-23.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : MARK - MARK-PC # Running from : C:\Users\MARK\Downloads\Programs\adwcleaner_6.020.exe # Mode: Clean # Support :

***** [ Services ] ***...

Re: Detects but does not clean -- Infolinks in Chrome Browser


My name is Sarah and I'm a support representitive here at Infolinks.

You must be mistaken or misinformed, since Infolinks is not an adware, software, virus or a malware of any kind. We're an online advertising platform that appears only on websites that sign up with us, and we do not allow content that in our opinion can be deemed as negative in nature, illegal or offensive in any way....

Re: Detects but does not clean -- Infolinks in Chrome Browser


Can you share the generated logfiles ? Usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt

Best regards,

Detects but does not clean -- Infolinks in Chrome Browser

on AdwCleaner by ****

Hi, My Chrome Browser is infected with InfoLinks adware.  Your software dects it but cannot clean it .

Tried 3 times and rebooted after each.

Re: ADWCleaner Kills Kaseya

It looks like it was fine, however running ADWCleaner caused the PC to lock up entirely, requiring a hard reboot.

I have seen this happen when user folders such as Documents/Desktop are redirected to a server or DFS namespace, such as \\domain.local\users\username\desktop, but this person had no such redirect as they have no server.

They might have a mapped drive to their NAS, but no folder r...

Re: ADWCleaner Kills Kaseya

Hi Xplode, sorry for dropping off the map like that. Life has been crazy.

Kaseya changed their paths; here's their current paths (I included our GUID, but other companies will have a different one):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\AgentMon.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\curl.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\KRNSNC47953309850771\DLLRunner32.exe

Adwcleaner false threat. *FIXED*

on AdwCleaner by ****

Hello, so I've recently went ahead and scanned my PC today again and it detects a folder called "CEF" which is created by Steam. Can we fix this so many people don't get peranoid like me and think it's a virus. 

# AdwCleaner v6.020 - Logfile created 15/09/2016 at 17:25:13 # Updated on 14/09/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-09-15.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 7 Home Premium Service...