As explained in the translation topic, the Arabic language is not covered at all, that's why it fallbacks in English. If you want to help, please refer to the previously linked topic.
We'd love to have your help on this !
As explained in the translation topic, the Arabic language is not covered at all, that's why it fallbacks in English. If you want to help, please refer to the previously linked topic.
We'd love to have your help on this !
I just notice this bug just now so I have change The default language of the program from English to Arabic and "the Arabic languages won’t displayed correctly in the UI" in the new version 6 of the adware cleaner the Arabic languages never displayed in UI due to a bug I think .! and for now the program is unable to loaded the Arabic languages
For example blow :
waiting for action (p.s th...
I have the same problem here . so it’s was a bug in adware cleaner right ?
Comme il vous l'a été demandé, je vous invite à nous partager le fichier log de Debug afin que nous puissions résoudre le problème. Le mode Debug nous permet simplement de mieux comprendre ce qui se passe sur votre ordinateur, rien d'autre. Un rappel de la marche à suivre :
Pouvez-vous lancer AdwCleaner, cliquer sur Outils > Options, et cocher "Debug" dans la section "Mode...
Il n'a rien changer : J'ai crocher Debug . Il a trouvé les virus et comme meme quand je clique nettoyer il cesse de fonctionner et ne répond pas . Il bloque mon ordinateur et je me suis obligé de le rédemarer . Ce logiciel est mauvais!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pouvez-vous lancer AdwCleaner, cliquer sur Outils > Options, et cocher "Debug" dans la section "Mode".
Ensuite, lancez l'analyse, puis le nettoyage. Le crash va avoir lieu, vous pouvez quitter l'outil.
Hébergez alors le fichier C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log sur https://up2sha.re/ et collez le lien ici, il contient les informations nécessaire pour corriger le souci..
Ok. I think it's more an unrelated bug than something else and it should be fixed quite soon, so everything seems ok.
Best regards,
I keep getting an error that pops up near the end when I'm scanning. I've tried running it as an admin but the same thing keeps happening. I ran a debug report after reading some some other threads however I'm at a loss on what the problem could be. The error says it's line 14856
2016-09-08 13:04:44 : <INFO> [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file 2016-09-08 13:04:46 ...
Unfortunately it still gets killed. I suspect it is javaw.exe since the remote software program runs on Java
javaw.exe shows up twice in the debug log but it is not whitelisted.
Appreciate your help
Confirmation, this bug is fixed in the coming v6.020.