adsfix ---> Line 22158 (Error)

Hi ! Je suis sous XP sp3. Quand je veux exécuter le fichier téléchargé (adsfix_4_19.05.17.3.exe), j'obtiensune fenêtre AutoIt Error disant ceci : Line 22158: Error : Variable used without being declared :(

Re: A bug in Delfix


We won't be able to share the source code. I was planning to develop a similar tool but I haven't had the time to work on it yet.


cocochepeau, 2017-05-18 12:17:51 (UTC)


Thank You for the reply.

I will be waiting for your tool :) In the meantime I think Delfix should be taken off-line because of the serious bugs reported by the users.

Best Regards.

Re: Adwcleaner freeze when cleaning

# AdwCleaner v6.046 - Logfile created 14/05/2017 at 10:24:09 # Updated on 24/04/2017 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2017-05-14.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : iQuang - IQUANG-PC # Running from : D:\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.046.exe # Mode: Scan # Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found....

Re: Malware or viruses?

Done that already and its gone but Adware is false warning a Adblocker i got. Fine now

Re: annoying google chrome cookies

I've found the problem, it was an extension I had for a long time, got recently updated, and from that update the malware ads pop ups started showing up, removed it, reinstalled and cleaned google, everything works like a charm!

if somebody else have an issue like this, don't forget to check your extension! even the one you trust.

infected by reimage plus & pc optimizer pro, please disinfect windows 10 A.S.A.P.


i have some problems, and i'm 27 years old man,


i have some problems with my 2 computers and my external disks,

my configuration: pc 1: compaq desktop pc by hewlett packard, win 10 x64 upgraded from win 8 pc 2: Win 7 Starter Edition x32 Acer Aspire One laptop

Antivirus/firewall suite installed: pc 1: ad-aware total security pc 2: comodo internet security complete

then,: ---------...

Re: Supprimer malwares/virus


  • Téléchargez AdwCleaner à partir de cette page:
  • Lancez-le, puis lisez les conditions d'utilisation. Si vous les acceptez, cliquez sur "J'accepte".
  • Cliquez sur [Analyser] et patientez jusqu'à la fin.
  • Lorsque l'analyse est terminée, cliquez sur [Rapport]. Allez sur l'onglet "Analyse" et ouvrez le premier rapport (surligné de bl...

annoying google chrome cookies

Help I can't get rid of annyoing google chrome ad/malware cookies, like and and there are many more, I reinstalled google chrome like 3 times, I made sure that history and cookies are all cleared, like a clean install.

I scanned with malwarebytes, hitmanpro and now adwcleaner with no success,they are still back! when I go on to the internet they are like back in 30 ...

Re: Soupçon de keylogger


Pouvez-vous effectuer une analyse avec Malwarebytes et fournir le rapport?
