FYI, i enabled the Sync Now features on the Firefox to keep my bookmarks, password and tabs. Will it be one of the cause for the removal of hao123 failed?
FYI, i enabled the Sync Now features on the Firefox to keep my bookmarks, password and tabs. Will it be one of the cause for the removal of hao123 failed?
@Clarkwong : please share the logfile generated by AdwCleaner when you used it. They are in C:\AdwCleaner.
@nutech2014 : please open your own topic, we'll help you there.
fr33tux, 2016-02-20 15:48:49 (UTC)
As per request, the following is the result of using the latest adwcleaner
# AdwCleaner v5.036 - Logfile created 24/02/2016 at 05:48:58
# Updated 22/02/2016 by Xplode
# Data...
en survolant le rapport de ZHPDIAG je vois effectivement qu'il n'a pa pu lire l'une des 4 partitions G/:
---\\ Enumération des unités disques (5) - 0s ~ Drive C: has 210 GB free of 486 GB (System) ~ Drive D: has 186 GB free of 466 GB ~ Drive F: has 13 GB free of 399 GB ~ Drive I: has 147 GB free of 759 GB ~ Drive M: has 2 GB free of 455 GB
en survolant le rapport de ZHPDIAG je vois effectivement qu'il n'a pa pu lire l'une des 4 partitions G/:
---\\ Enumération des unités disques (5) - 0s ~ Drive C: has 210 GB free of 486 GB (System) ~ Drive D: has 186 GB free of 466 GB ~ Drive F: has 13 GB free of 399 GB ~ Drive I: has 147 GB free of 759 GB ~ Drive M: has 2 GB free of 455 GB
Pourquoi dois je faire " CONTROL ALT DEL" sinon commandes bloquées même en mode sans echec avec prise reseau ? Bonjour à Tous les Meilleurs , ainsi qu'aux autres, ;) UN TRès gros problème insolvable à ce moment et depuis plusieurs années maintenant sur plusieurs ordinateurs !!! JE ME DEMANDE QUI SAURA CAPABLE M'AIDER ... ainsi que les quelques personnes qui m'ont racontées avoir eu le même pr...
"Searching for generic detections" means that AdwCleaner will search for folders / registry elements that matches a specific pattern or have a specific behavior.
All strings will be updated for v5.037.
1. I let the choice to run clean even if no threats are detected because the user can still want to run specific options that can be checked in "Option" menu
2. Fixed for v5.037
3. Same
~ ZHPDiag v2016.2.22.62 By Nicolas Coolman (2016/02/22)
~ Run by Owner (Administrator) (2016/02/22 14:16:22)
~ Web:
~ Facebook:
~ State version: Version OK
~ Mode: Scan
~ Report: C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\ZHPDiag.txt
~ Report: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag.txt
~ UAC: Activate ~ System startup: Normal (Normal boo...
More changes:
$L_GENSEARCH = "Searching for generic elements ..." Please change the current translation to this for now:$L_GENSEARCH = "Trwa wyszukiwanie typowych obiektów..." BTW, what does that exactly mean? Maybe I would be able to find a better translation.
$L_FINISHED = "Zakończono" I assume this is used only once scan completes. To make it more clear, I would change it to:$L_FINISHED = ...
Well, there you go. Merci!
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