Yes, so it was a problem with an unregistered DLL on your computer. I will keep this command in case someone faces the same problem.
Yes, so it was a problem with an unregistered DLL on your computer. I will keep this command in case someone faces the same problem.
I ran the command and afterwards ran the program, it did not show an error. It seems to be fixed now, right?
I ran the command and afterwards ran the program, it did not show an error. It seems to be fixed now, right?
Ok, I think we can try something.
Open a CMD prompt ( Start -> cmd.exe ) , then type :
for %x in (c:\windows\system32\*.dll) do regsvr32 %x /s
Press [Enter] , wait until it's finished then try running the current AdwCleaner version ( this one : https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/ )
Do you have the error message?
This time the program did not find any malicious files and no error sign. This time it generated the log file you mentioned, it seems very huge so I uploaded it to the same place as last time.
In fact there is an error with a COM module that your computer doesn't seem to have / find. Instead of making the program crashes when it can't find this module, I just bypass it and the scan can complete.
Moreover, you should have a file called "COMError.log" located at C:\AdwCleaner, can you post it's content ?
Hi again,
This time it ran completely as I had always seen without showing any error :) Was there a bug in the program, or my laptop was causing it not to run properly?
bonjour, effectivement je devais avoir le mauvais lien ds le presse papier :( voici le rapport de RogKiller
je lance adw et je rajoute le lien du rapport
Tout propre :) https://up2sha.re/file?f=RgouqHEK7Xmd
Y at-il dessus des choses a eliminer ou mettre a jour?
bonne journée et merci!
After restarting the computer, ADWCleaner is not there anymore so I had to reinstall the application.
grynfindore, 2015-11-11 17:06:51 (UTC)
Is that occurred when you launched the Cleaning process ?
Did you find your missing work folder on the quarantine manager ? Can you tell me its name and where it was located ?
Also, could you upload the quarantine.log file stored into C:\AdwC...
I don't really know what could cause this kind of bug. It's probably due to the configuration of your computer. But we can try debugging it if you have the time.
First of all, can you download this file and run it : http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/17959594961240255/Debug.exe
It's just to make sure that the error comes from the external library ( the above file is not AdwCleaner, it's ...