Pop up saying database corrupt

on AdwCleaner by ****

I have downloaded the adwcleaner.exe from this website, but after I install the .exe and try to click scan,

I get the pop up saying the database files are corrupt and to uninstall and download again.  I have tried

this 3 times and I keep getting the same thing?  What can I do?

Re: submit samples

Greetings madperson,

sorry we currently haven't any solution to offer for that kind of request but that's a good feature which could be added in the future.


Re: Malware ?

it's the same thing :

i have to scan with debug mod, and unfortunetely, the pc restart with blue screen :

Here is the LOG :

# AdwCleaner v5.007 - Rapport créé le 09/09/2015 à 21:29:53
# Mis à jour le 08/09/2015 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2015-09-08.2 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Philippe - PHILIPPE-HP
# Exécuté de...

Re: ADWCleaner deleted a folder it shouldn't

on AdwCleaner by ****


I have the same problem

I run ADWcleaner to delete a issue I had with somehting called VNPapps on my chrome

Without reason ADWcleaner deleted a VERY important folder for my work which I had on my desktop without recent backup! 

I need it back urgently!

I am really willing to pay whoever can help me...



Re: Malware ?

pguilb75, While using AdwCleaner, can you activate the "Activer le mode déboguage" (cf Options), then make a clean . Then, provide the debug log : C:\AdwCleaner_dbg_xxxxxx.log  

vers new 5.006


first so many thxs again for yr beautiful work!

with latest vers i get a warning about this browser: Torch:



i think should be a false positive

but i trust in yr response!


Re: Some small regressions

Greetings Rooter,

thank you for your feedback, it has been forwarded to Xplode.


Re: Спосибо большое за программу!!!


if I understood your message, here is my answer : thank you. :)


Re: ADWCleaner deleted a folder it shouldn't

on AdwCleaner by ****

I would highly recommend a few improvements that would have prevented or minimized the difficulties I experienced.

1. Display the Log File after the Scan is done, so that it's more obvious what was found before Cleaning starts. My Scan didn't find any "Services" to clean so my GUI didn't change. Even if a display had appeared to indicate I should check all tabs before Cleaning, I might have av...

Microsoft Edge

on AdwCleaner by ****

Great software. When will you start supporting Microsoft Edge?