This logfile extract shows that Google Chrome is scanned by AdwCleaner, but nothing was detected.
Best regards,
This logfile extract shows that Google Chrome is scanned by AdwCleaner, but nothing was detected.
Best regards,
AdwCleaner v6.021 - Rapport créé le 13/10/2016 à 08:21:20 # Mis à jour le 06/10/2016 par ToolsLib # Base de données : 2016-10-13.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : client - MARIETTE # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\client\Desktop\adwcleaner_6.021.exe # Mode: Nettoyage # Support : https://toolslib.net/forum
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Rien de grave. Tu peux supprimer ces éléments.
hi. can you see this debug log and tell me if there is something wrong with my chrome or if it is adware...
2016-10-13 03:50:46 : <INFO> [main] - Chrome is installed: True
2016-10-13 03:50:46 : <INFO> [scan.chromium] - Starting Chromium based browsers scan [1]
2016-10-13 03:50:50 : <INFO> [scan.chromium] - Stopping Chromium based browsers scan [1]
2016-10-13 03:50:5...
Pourriez-vous me donner une réponse SVP? Dois-je supprimer tout dans mon rapport Adwcleaner?
Problem is fixed! Thank you so much! Sure took a lot of effort, what kind of malware was this that it would cause adwcleaner to crash? and other programs not even recognise it?
still you lucky123 appears as default search toolbox
First of all, sorry for the late answer. Thanks for letting us know.
Only the registry elements keep coming back or is it also the same case for startup URLs?
I have the same problem
I have an issue with Lucky123 that is regularly added to my browsers. I have cleaned already my computer with adwcleaner (4 times). The threads were destroyed, but their reappear.
What I can do more?
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