Re: DDur externe demande formatage


nous allons tout d'abord essayer avec la commande CHKDSK de Windows. Nous verrons pour l'utilisation de TestDisk en fonction de ce que cela donne.

Pour se faire :

  • Ouvrez le menu démarrer ou appuyez sur la touche Windows de votre clavier.
  • Dans la barre de recherche, écrivez "cmd" puis lancez l'exécutable en tant qu'administrateur (clic droit > exécuter en tant qu'administrateur).
  • P...

Re: Désinstallation de MPC Cleaner


L'entreprise qui à crée MPC Cleaner auto protége leur programme contre toute suppression par des logiciel de désinfection.

Ce qui faut faire c'est de réinstaller le programme puis le désinstaller avec programme et fonctionnalités de windows, ensuite utiliser AdwCleaner pour finir les reste du programme.

Le site de MPC Cleaner: 

En espérant vous avoir été utile


Re: ramnit virus


it found ramnit b y avira antivirus and ESET Nod... so 3 anti virus programs found that virus...  so deleted adwcleaner 5.03 and wont run it till could be a false positive but seeing the result better be safe than sorry...  my inkling is that it is a fale positive    anyhow will look at it later and run herdprotect as you regularly update adw...   thanks and regards


Re: adwcleaner_5.029 can not identify and delete


Do you succeed to remove it ?


Re: Adwcleaner autodelete "feature" / get older versions.


Which brings me to another topic: Where is it possible to DL older versions so I can recover this great utility?

isidroco, 2016-01-23 20:53:24 (UTC)

We are working on this feature and hope to publish it soon.


Re: Polish translation


AdwCleaner is part of this website and we participate actively to its development. Therefor, we're able to redirect you to the right person (Xplode) in order to get a quick answer. :)


Re: Windows update me donne un code d'erreur 0X80244022


plusieurs personnes rencontrent ce problème. Je vous donne plus de nouvelles dès que possible. :)


False Positive (Free Download Manager)

on AdwCleaner by ****


Please whitelist the following registry entries that belongs to Free Download Manager 3.9.6 download monitoring control. Removing them, prevents the download manager to launch and catch links when downloading from a browser.




Adwcleaner autodelete "feature" / get older versions.

It's annoying that whenever there is a new version, if one chooses to get it, old version gets erased, it should at least be renamed as adwcleaner.bak in case downloading of newer version fails (or doesn't work in winxp anymore as it happen to be my case). So now I don't have either version.

Which brings me to another topic: Where is it possible to DL older versions so I can recover this great...

Re: adwcleaner disappeares

For some reason....just tried downloading it for the 25th time....and magically it's working. Huh......strange.

JaySchroeder5050, 2016-01-23 00:57:11 (UTC)

I have it (adwcleaner_5.027.exe (or _5.030)) saved on disk by Download manager as part of my brawser and I discovered that I can “Open” it repeatedly through the “downloded files” list in the Download manager Menu

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