Re: Some other false positive entrie ("SEIKO CORPORATION - EPSON Software updater") ?

Hello Xplode,

I confirm this Registry Key is not detected anymore by updated database.

Thanks again for having fixed this FP so quickly, and for the explanations regarding x64 Registry paths.



Localization into Georgian language

Hello, My name is Saba Khmaladze i'm a project manager of UGLT (United Georgian Localization Team). we are group of Georgian translators who have translated more then 100 softwares and Games of leading companies on market. If it's possible to localize your products + site into Georgian language please contact me on

Best Regards, Saba Khmaladze Project Manager of UGLT

Ah bon ?

on AdwCleaner by ****

[C:\Users\Laurent\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\gvttqz07.default\prefs.js] trouvée : user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.provider.mozilla.lastupdatetime", "1464292345634");

En quoi cette (52e) ligne est-elle malveillante ? Faux positif ? Merci d'avance.

Re: AdwCleaner v5.118 et Avira Antivirus Pro

OK merci, mais je n'avais jamais rencontré ce comportement d'Avira lors des précédents téléchargements juste après la mise à disposition d'une version...

Re: Many possible F/P's with ADW 5.118

Great, everything is fine now!

Many thanks for your quick assistance!

Re: Many possible F/P's with ADW 5.118


Can you download AdwCleaner again and tell me whether these elements are still detected or not ?


Re: System Event Notification System fail to start after use Adware Cleaner

you need to reinstall the software for your "killer" network card..

the "adwcleaner" program stupidly automatically resets your "winsock" settings, screwing up the installation of the software for your "killer" network-card..

in the future, you will have to always remember to untick adwcleaner's option for automatically resetting your computer's settings for "winsock"..

redwolfe_98, 2016-05...

Re: ADW Update & forwarding to secure "https" page


It will be changed in v5.119.


Re: AdwCleaner v5.118 et Avira Antivirus Pro


C'est normal, la version 5.118 est sortie hier et il faut le temps que les antivirus mettent à jour leurs détection pour le retirer. Ce devrait être corrigé dans la journée normalement.
