Erreurs version AdwCleaner

Bonjour, ** Divers problèmes avec AdwCleaner, RKill, etc, sur votre site qui sont détectés en "Faux Positifs" par "Bitdefender Total Security 2018", jusqu'à empêcher par moment le téléchargement et pire, l'installation tout en modifiant les fichiers finaux et donc la somme de "Hash". Problèmes résolus après les avoir ajoutés dans les "Exclusions" de "Bitdefender".

*** Et détection de "Faux Pos...


Hi, im sorry for my bad english, i have a problem, the virus or troyan, i dont know, "coin-hive", i already use adwcleaner, malwarebytes, and rkill, but it still in some pages, malwarebytes detects it in some pages, (i already clean the browser etc). If you can help me, i would appreciate it. Ty

Re: Major difficulties with AdwCleaner v.

dans AdwCleaner par notnats


As per this thread;

I had my friend try this suggestion;

Try to uncheck every registry element detected before pushing the Clean button. Then, it should work as expected.

It did not work. He tried in both normal mode, and received the message that "AdwCleaner stopped working" as soon as he hit clean. S...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped woring


Sorry for the late answer.

Try to uncheck every registry element detected before pushing the Clean button. Then, it should work as expected.

This issue is known and will be resolved with the release of the 7.1 version.


Vrai ou faux Adware ? (Is this a false positive? )

dans AdwCleaner par rem21


Suite une analyse de ce jour AdwClener a détecté : PUP.Adware.Heuristic, Bitdefender Agent WatchDog_65D6944A0EF74FDAB96E31112AD39864 . Après plusieurs tentatives de destruction celui-ci est toujours présent à l'analyse suivante.

S'agit-il d'un Adware réel et dans ce cas comment l'éliminer, ou est-ce un faux positif utilisé par mon anti-virus Bitdefender. L'analyse par Malwarebytes  n...

Re: Problème erreur avec ADWCleaner


Pouvez-vous lancer un nettoyage après avoir décoché les éléments du registre ?


cocochepeau, 2017-09-23 17:16:53 (UTC)


Oui effectivement en décochant le nettoyage se lance................. mais ensuite après redemarrage, quand je relance l'analyse, j'ai la detection qui revient. 

CCleaner Malware

Does Adwcleaner detect/remove the Malware installed by CCleaner 5.33? Please advise, thanks!

Re: Please help!


Batch2Exe is often detected by antivirus software. It may be the case here.

Did you try with another web browser?


Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

This could be a worm (Network virus). And you might need to reflash your routers software. Check your network settings or network device and see if there are static IP's in place. Could you try disconnecting from the network, cleaning up your PC with Malwarebytes and Adwcleaner, restart PC and see if the issue persists? If it doesn't, try connecting to a different network and see if it happens...

Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

It looks like your PC's DHCP IP's have been altered maliciously not too long ago. Which it would make sense why one PC detects it, and another doesn't. Default addresses can be hijacked and used for malicious intents. It is hard to say whether it is a false positive or not. You could always reset your PCs IP's and router to see if that solves the problem. 

JoshRoss, 2017-09-04 12:22:20 (UTC)
