Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

The program ran perfectly! So pleased! Thanks for the rapid fix.

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit


Looks like this is the same bug as on this topic ( in french ) :

Can you try running this version of AdwCleaner :

If you don't have any issue with this version, your problem will be solved with v5.037 which wil...

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

Hello, I downloaded a new copy from Bleepingcomputer and ran the program again this morning. During the run the progress slider stopped at approximately 1/4 of the away across with the wording, I believe, saying "searching for generic elements". It stayed that way for approximately 5 and one-half minutes and (not responding) showing across the top edge of the program. Suddenly the (not respondi...

Re: HELP !! infecté par hijack.autoconfigurl qui a ensuite chargé d'autres daubes.......

Bonjour !

Super !

Il reste un peu de nettoyage :


  1. Téléchargez la dernière version de CCleaner et installez-la,
  2. Exécutez Ccleaner (icône sur votre bureau)
  3. Dans l'onglet Options > Avancé, décochez la case Effacer uniquement les fichiers temporaires de Windows datant de plus de 24 heures.
  4. Dans l'onglet Options > Surveillance, décochez les deux cases.
  5. Dans l'onglet Nettoyeur et cliquez sur...

Re: Winsxs

C'est étrange effectivement.

La restauration n'a pas dû toucher aux fichiers, Winsxs est toujours présent ?

Pour y voir un peu plus clair :

  • Rends toi sur la page de téléchargement de ZHPDiag, puis clique sur le bouton bleu "Nicolas Coolman - Télécharger".
  • Enregistre le fichier lance le,
  • Clique sur l'icône "Scanner" pour faire une analyse complète puis patiente, ça peut durer quelques minut...

Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

I get your point, but I've seen some users think that the "Uninstall" button uninstalls the detected adware.


These ones:

$L_LOCAL = "Lokalny"

$L_SERVER = "serwer"

Should be:

$L_LOCAL = "lokalna"

$L_SERVER = "z serwera"


Re: Fichier user.js et paramètres de configuration orange


Ce devrait être corrigé en relançant AdwCleaner.


Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit


Can you provide me with AdwCleaner's debug logfile ? Just run AdwCleaner, click on "Options" then "Activate debug mode".

Try running the scan. Even if it does not complete, you should have a file called "AdwCleaner_dbg_xxxx.txt" inside C:\AdwCleaner.

Please post its content in your next reply.

Moreover, do you have this issue only on W10 64b ? Did you try with other versions ?


Re: Missed remnants


I think it's better to keep "Uninstall" since the button is inside AdwCleaner's GUI. It's not like in the add/remove programs where it will be relevant to have "Uninstall AdwCleaner" 

Your corrections will be added in v5.037.
