Can you share a screenshot of this warning message from your antivirus ?
Can you share a screenshot of this warning message from your antivirus ?
I am unsure of exactly what happened but I started noticing that my usual sites looked different and the addresses for them had also changed in the address bar. I could type in www.hotmail.com and it would redirect me to https://dub126.mail.live.com/default.aspx?rru=inbox everytime. I started using F12 developer tools to look at the webpages and their sources. I noticed that they all were not t...
Do you have a screenshot of the following ?
Have tried cleaning files indiviudally and it got halfway through a taskbar saying cleaning web entries or something alike then not responding popped up on the application window again.
Does the cleaning ends well if you uncheck every checkboxes from the File/Folders tab ?
Do you have any security software running ?
Thanks for your help,
Can you tell me what is exactly the error message? ( a screenshot of the error would be nice )
You can exceptionnaly ignore this warning from SmartScreen.
Please see this how-to for the screenshot : http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows
Tried to download the ZHPDiag software again and got:
Windows protected your PC
Windows Smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
This happens sometimes when downloading the latest version of Adware cleaner...I will have to check out Screenshot, as, never have done it before. Thanks.
Nutech2014 :
Can you share a screenshot of this ads on the right screen ?
I also need another logfile, with ZHPDiag to get more information about which elements remain :
lost the origin email... and cannot send any attachments here... pse repeat email and from there I can reply wih attachments (screenshots) thanks
it found ramnit b y avira antivirus and ESET Nod... so 3 anti virus programs found that virus... so deleted adwcleaner 5.03 and wont run it till later...it could be a false positive but seeing the result better be safe than sorry... my inkling is that it is a fale positive anyhow will look at it later and run herdprotect as you regularly update adw... thanks and regards
Can you :
- host the AdwCleaner logfile on Up2sha.re and share the link in your answer, (please refer to the documentation)
- share a screenshot of "newpoptab" ?
Best regards,