ust to let you know that yr latest -stable- vers has the
same -BUGS-
no way to manage quarantine and evet's log
ust to let you know that yr latest -stable- vers has the
same -BUGS-
no way to manage quarantine and evet's log
Depuis quelques semaines quand je joues avec teamSpeak ouvert j'ai une montée de ping normalement j'ai ~16ms et là ça peut monter jusqu'à 2500ms voir plus pendant ~10sec. Ducout j'entends mal mes coéquipiers... En jeu je n'est pas de montée de ping, juste parfois mais rarement j'ai une déconnexion en me disant :" Connexion perdue". Et cela uniquement quand un jeu est lancé car l...
Thanks Bernard. Good point on adding to firewall if happens again. Was thinking same thing -- that it's not a real hijack or spyware. Glad to hear it from somebody with more IT proficiency. It only happens on one specific station on tunein, and I listen to a bunch so seems site specific.
obviously that are the SAME2 BUGS of the last stable 31july 7.0.1 vers
of course
Since V7 I've been getting false positives on all my machines - often ones reported by others. I suspect they are down to using SypwareBlaster. This is an old but quite safe program which puts kill bits in the registry to prevent undesireable stuff running. I think it would be worth installing SpywareBlaster then "enabling all protection", then see what ADWCleaner makes of it. Thanks.
just to let you know that yr latest 7beta vers of 16hours ago has the
same -BUGS-
ActiveX detection started after the new update. I am getting the same pop-ups. I can assure you it is not malware. ActiveX detections are usually guidelines for processes and services to follow. While they can be exploited, I doubt this is the case.
Same problem as before. And Can't get to the debug log. Program continues to shut down at heuristics. Here are the details again. I hope this is helpful.
Problem Event Name: BEX Application Name: adwcleaner_7.0.2.0 (2).exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 599f69b1 Fault Module Name: StackHash_0358 Fault Module Version: Fault Module...
After download & install, I checked debug. Upon launch, a message said this was outdated version, and asked if I wanted a newer version. I said OK. Still crashed.
Thank I returned and downloaded the "updated" version, which was the same, but this time said no to a newer version. It will not go beyond heuristics analysis. Here's the error message.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BE...
Still that same single result...
***** [ Registry ] *****
PUP.Optional.Legacy, [Data] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main | ImageStoreRandomFolder [mv9xu40]