Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.

I'm still having problems with Firefox, I think there's some URL malware that keeps infecting the shortcuts.

I uninstalled Firefox, deleted those folders causing problems ( C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Local\Firefox ) but still my shorcuts get infected with "". This doesn't just happen on startup. I have manually fixed the Target of the shortcuts but still after like an hour it gets...

Re: sqlite3.dll est corrompu.

Je ne peux pas lancer CCleaner,Malwarebytes etc.. pour certaines erreurs que j'ai mis entre parenthèses dans mon post.En parlant de "réinstaller AdwCleaner" j'ai désinstaller AdwCleaner via celui-ci et maintenant il ne fonctionne plus du tout.Lorsque je le lance il ne répond pas.


Re: menace trouvée: DrvAgent64.SYS - faux positif ?

# AdwCleaner v6.045 - Rapport créé le 15/04/2017 à 10:48:27 # Mis à jour le 28/03/2017 par Malwarebytes # Base de données : 2017-04-14.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : antoine - DESKTOP-AGA2HP0 # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\antoi\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.045.exe # Mode: Scan # Support :


***** [ Services ] **...

Re: menace trouvée: DrvAgent64.SYS - faux positif ?

bonjour idem ce jour avec malwarebyte s mais aprés analyse de celui ci avec G data antivirus à mon avis il s'agit d'un faux positif ayant parcouru la toile je n'ai rien trouvé concernant ce type de fichier  @+

Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.


Thanks a lot. It completed the cleaning and rebooted.

Here's the log file:

What about the folder I unchecked? Is it gonna cause any problems? (It was " C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Local\Firefox " when I scanned it)

Thanks again, had been trying to get rid of the malware for ages, helped me out a lot!

Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.


Can you please try to uncheck the following element (in the folders tab) and then press the clean button.

  • C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Roaming\Firefox

Please, tell me what happens.


menace trouvée: DrvAgent64.SYS - faux positif ?

depuis 8 jours AdwCleaner me signale deux menaces:


***** [ Services ] *****Service trouvé: DrvAgent64


***** [ Fichiers ] *****Fichier trouvé: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\DRVAGENT64.SYS


-1-   une recherche dans System Lookup n'indique rien d'anormal:

Name Filename Description Status DrvAgent64 DrvAgent64.SYS Related to DrvAgent64.SYS DriverAgent Direct I/O for 64-bit Windows from P...

Re: USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

Hello, good day to everyone.

Liina, you're right. USB File Resc was designed to be used on removable disks, usually do not have a range of letters so far from normal, causing them to be limited from letter D to S. Most of the time, removable disks are assigned letters D, E, F, H, I. It is an idea that we have had since we started with this project and so far only you have noticed, what a good ...

ADW sqlite3.dll corrompu Vista


lorsque je lance "analyser" dans ADW, j'obtiens "sqlite3.dll est corrompu". En cherchant sur le forum, j'ai vu que vous suggériez la procédure suivante : .

Je l'ai suivie (nettoyage avec CCleaner puis désinstallation/réinstallation) et comme cela ne fonctionne pas, j'en arrive...

USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

The software does not accept all drive letters. If the drive letter is U the software replies that I have typed a WRONG ("letra erronea") letter. If I change it to (I:) it works. Does this program have a specific range of drive letters to be used?

Any specific reason to limit the letter range?


Spanish translation:

Este programa no acepta todas letras, por ejemplo para la letra U responde ...