Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?


Can you share this file?

Please do a right click on it -> Send to -> compressed folder.

Then, upload it on Up2Share and share the generated link.


Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi again, sorry a question: is this a new very strange updating system or a malware? thanks

  found in %temp% and I was asked at boot by UAC if I want to run it. I deleted it and stop. Today, since I have a clean disk image (thanks for your previous help), I accepted and clicked on OK. Online I find fast nothing about this autorun installer, released by Comodo on 30th june.thanks.

Re: Jaff virus?

bonjour si tu pouvais héberger un fichier crypté sur et donner le lien pour le récupérer, il est peut-être possible de faire quelque chose , en tout cas si tu as installé les logiciels proposés sur le site que tu indiques tu peux les désinstaller ce sont des crapwares qui ne feront absolument rien. ce site est menteur

Re: Fichiers indesirables que adw cleaner ne supprime pas


L'analyse de ces dossiers avec Malwarebytes 3 ne me trouve rien de suspect.



Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?


As we said earlier, we're working very hard on the next major release (v7). I'm sure you'll understand as soon as it becomes available (very soon!).

- Detections are still added nearly every day through database updates. Don't worry. :)

I'm closing this one.


Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?

last update 19 20 june

the acquisition of malawarebyte has slowed too much the process of updating...

before it was nearly ecery 2 weeks..

so sad about it..



Fichiers indesirables que adw cleaner ne supprime pas


adw cleaner me trouve 2 fichiers indesirables

Dossier trouvé:  C:\Users\Fabrice\AppData\Roaming\.acestream Dossier trouvé:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\freemake shared

Mais apres un nettoyage par adw cleaner quand je scanne a nouveau ils sont toujours la.

Que faire? sont ils vraiment dangereux ?



Re: Infection ou pas?

Bsr :-)

Voici le lien pour trois rapport:

Merci pour votre aide.


Re: Infection ou pas?

Bsr :-)

Voici le lien pour trois rapport:

Merci pour votre aide.