Re: AdwCleaner v5.108 - Logfile created 01/04/2016 at 07:55:31

on Disinfection by ****

and yes  albireo is still haunting my browser.

AdwCleaner v5.108 - Logfile created 01/04/2016 at 07:55:31

on Disinfection by ****

Had an adware problem and ran AdwCleaner, seems to have got it not sure will see :D

review and comment.

# AdwCleaner v5.108 - Logfile created 01/04/2016 at 07:55:31

# Updated 30/03/2016 by Xplode

# Database : 2016-03-30.1 [Server]

# Operating system : Windows 10 Home  (x64)

# Username :

# Running from : C:\Users\*****\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.108.exe

# Option : Clean

# Support : http://...


Hello. I have AdwCleaner falls during the scan. Please fix.


# AdwCleaner v5.108 - Отчёт создан 01/04/2016 в 01:27:51
# Обновлено 30/03/2016 by Xplode
# База данных : 2016-03-30.1 [Сервер]
# Операционная система : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Пользователь : kefir - KEFIR-ПК
# Запущено из : C:\Users\kefir\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.108.exe
# Настройка : Сканировать
# помощь : http://t...

Re: Impossible charger base de données

1. ========================= SEAF - C_XX

3. Commencé à: 13:37:58 le 29/03/2016

5. Valeur(s) recherchée(s):

6. libeay32.dll

8. Légende: TC => Date de création, TM => Date de modification, DA => Dernier accès

11. ====== Fichier(s) ======

14. "C:\Program Files\XnView\AddOn\libeay32.dll" [ ARCHIVE | 1362 Ko ]

15. TC: 16/03/2015,17:31:08 | TM: 12/06/2015,20:48:18 | DA: 23/03/2016,00:...

Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner

Hi Xplode,

Sorry for that delay! I just (today 18:07 P.M.) sent to you the informations you wanted: i used your contacts

web page ( ) to send you an eMail with exported reg-key. I exported

the Reg-Key to a simple text-file. If you need more informations just post here again or send me

an eMail. You can find my eMail-adress in the message i just sent to you....


Re: Adwcleaner on Windows 10 on Dell cause crash

Ran the version you provided Xplode. Still does the BSOD. Here's the debug:


2016-03-26 14:02:07 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-03-26 14:02:07 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-03-26 14:02:09 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\aditb\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll 2016-03-26 14:02:09 : [Success]        Opened C:\AdwCleaner\adwcleaner.db 2016-03-26 14:02:09 : [Success]     ...

Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner


i scanned my Laptop with the latest Version of ADW-cleaner: there were two detections.The detection

fvd_speed_dial didnt appear in any previous versions of Your software so i think again its a false/positive.

Reg-Key ".snapdoc" is possibly  a false/positive too.. i reported this F/P-detection already some months ago:


on AdwCleaner by ****

Xplode, please help me... This is my debug log file...

And as a suggestion, why dont u create a .ini file where users can write processes names and make them whitelist ? it would help us all..


2016-03-25 13:27:15 : [Notice]  Clean started 2016-03-25 13:27:16 : [Notice]  Killing all processes 2016-03-25 13:27:16 : [Notice]  Attempting to close [System Process] (PID:0) 2016-03-25 13:27:16 : ...

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

on AdwCleaner by ****


I'm having something simmilar happen to me when using adw cleaner.

Frequently when I have run adwcleaner after the reboot it takes very long for the user to login. After the login process Windows will give a notification "failed to connect to windows service". I'm not sure what service it was but probably the user profile service. It will not be possible to connect to the internet with...

Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"


In fact, I moved AdwCleaner's folder to C:\Program Files in v5.100 but it was not convenient for users so I moved back to C:\.

For now, I don't think I can find a way to make it work as a domain user, but I'll keep that on my ToDo list for v6.000.
