Download Link Tobit David Client?


this application is for licensed users only. It´s an email application like Microsoft Exchange with server and client modules. We installed it over 10 years ago and did periodically updates until to the actual state.

The latest version can be downloaded under:

The client module is up...

Re: ADW Cleaner ( Not Responding ) when attempting to clean files

Hi, Think this is it. If not let me know thanks. Debug report and also the report that showed the infected files


Thanks for your assistance

2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Notice]        Running from C:\AdwCleaner 2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-06-23 01:20:36 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-06-23 01:20:37 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\Ged\AppData\Loc...

Re: Bug report for QuickDiag


Thank you for updating QuickDiag, however the problem still persists, even in Safe Mode.

Now, the error message is this: "Line 7936  (File "C:\Users\TMA\Downloads\quickdiag_2_21.06.2016.2.exe"): Error: The requested action with this object has failed."

The problem file is still the same: C:\Windows\Installer\3ef7a91.msi

I have tried running QuickDiag from Windows Explorer/Administrat...

Re: Starting a forum for your software

Thanks for a quick response...

> Do you need something more specific ? We're always trying to improve our system, to listen to our community (both users and developers). So, feel free to ask !

Specifically, I am looking for a way to provide support to users who don't necessarily create an account or login to something. Acting as a guest user, I tried that page (nice) but it looks like I need ...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when it tries to clean


Click on the Windows menu -> search for "cmd.exe". Click right on it, "Launch as Administrator".

Then, copy paste the following command in it :

sc delete "UCGuard"

And then :

sc delete "KuaiZipDrive"

You should get a success message afterwards saying the removal operation has succeeded.

Finally, just reboot and share a Scan with AdwCleaner.

Best regards,

Re: Starting a forum for your software

Greetings Violoncello,

I have uploaded 2 softwares

Violoncello, 2016-06-19 03:29:36 (UTC)

I'm glad to hear it ! It's a great feeling to know that people like to use our services. :)

As you might have seen (according to, a forum category is automatically opened when a new software is uploaded and published o...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when it tries to clean

on AdwCleaner by ****
# AdwCleaner v5.200 - Registro generado 19/06/2016 en 21:47:49
# Actualizado 14/06/2016 por ToolsLib
# Base de datos : 2016-06-19.1 [Servidor]
# Sistema operativo : Windows 10 Home Single Language  (X64)
# Nombre de usuario : migue - DESKTOP-4HI7U09
# Ejecutado desde : C:\Users\migue\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.200.exe
# Opción : Limpiar
# Apoyo :

***** [ Servicios ] *****...

Starting a forum for your software


I have uploaded 2 softwares: The COCRandomPick and VPPlanetGenerator. It appears there's no support. (I don't wish to expose my email to be harvested by spam bots.)

What is a good way to set up a forum or something so that when a user goes to my web page to download my software, it would be obvious where to go for support?


Re: Bug report for QuickDiag


Yes, I still have this problem with QuickDiag.

The error message is still the same, but only the QuickDiag file date has changed;

"Line 7859  (File "C:\Users\TMA\Downloads\quickdiag_2_13.06.2016.1.exe"): Error: The requested action with this object has failed."

The problem file is still this: [22/09/2015 17:16:32] - C:\Windows\Installer\3ef7a91.msi : (Intel(R) Chipset Device Software...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when it tries to clean


I haven't forgot you, don't worry. I'm sorry for the delay though.

If you launch the Clean process after unchecking all elements in the Services (Servicios) tab, can you share me the logfile ?

Best regards,