Can you stop the Chrome synchronization, and then retry with AdwCleaner?
-> https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/1181420?hl=en
Can you stop the Chrome synchronization, and then retry with AdwCleaner?
-> https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/1181420?hl=en
Dear developers,
I am using http://acestream.org/ software that is a P2P software and AdwCleaner delete everything related to it, but I need them
Is it possible to whitelist them
Here the log file regarding these files that I had to exclude manually
***** [ Folders ] *****
[!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\AppData\LocalLow\.acestream [!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\Ap...
I saw from other posts that you nede debug file also so here it is.
2017-02-14 16:53:55 : <INFO> [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : <INFO> [main.gui] - Scan requested
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : <INFO> [scan] - Running from: C:\AdwCleaner
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : <INFO> [scan] - Progress: 0%
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : <INFO> [database] - Checking for datab...
After running the scan with ADW Cleaner I tried to delete/clean found infections, but the adw cleaner freezes and stops responding? What to do? Here is the Scan logfile I think.
Thank you !
***** [ Services ] *****
No malicious services found.
***** [ Folders ] *****
Folder Found: C:\_acestream_cache_
***** [ Files ] *****
No malicious files found.
***** [ DLL ] *****
No mali...
5) What about your problem?
regist, 2017-02-12 07:42:04 (UTC)
okay :D Thanks for perplying so early :D
# AdwCleaner v6.043 - Logfile created 31/01/2017 at 19:17:55 # Updated on 27/01/2017 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2017-01-31.1 [Local] # Operating System : Windows 10 Home (X64) # Username : Hunter Cutbush - HUNTER # Running from : C:\Users\Hunter Cutbush\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.043 (1).exe # Mode: Scan # Support : https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
# AdwCleaner v6.042 - Logfile created 23/01/2017 at 17:52:10
# Updated on 06/01/2017 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2017-01-23.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home (X64)
# Mode: Scan
# Support : https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
***** [ Services ] *****
No malicious services found.
***** [ Folders ] *****
No malicious folders found.
***** [ Files ] *****
No malicious fil...
I am just doing my internet business and suddenly a pop-up comes from Malwarebytes told me to turn on all real time protection. I checked it out and I noticed Exploit protection was turned off. So I pressed the off button to turn it on again but it won't turn on. So I did a quick scan with the ADWCleaner and it found no threats. I did a Threat scan on Malwarebytes and it also found nothing. I t...
Depuis 2 versions désormais, Adwcleaner détecte à tort les logiciels de Auslogics comme des malvailants.
Si ca peut aider à poursuivre son améliroation
***** [ Dossiers ] *****
Dossier trouvé: C:\Windows\SysNative\Tasks\Auslogics Dossier trouvé: C:\ProgramData\BSD\DriverHive Dossier trouvé: C:\ProgramData\BSD Dossier trouvé: C:\ProgramData\BSD\DriverHiveEngine Dossier trou...