Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.

1) It this file known to you?


There is nothing any suspicious, please clean some trace.

2) Using  ClearLNK tool repair following links and attach tool's report to your message.

C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\ImplicitAppShortcuts\9690809c1adfae92\user0 - Chrome.lnk

Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.


Download Autologger, unzip it to the Desktop, run and follow the instructions. Please host archive the CollectionLog on Up2Share and share the generated link.

Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.

I'm still having problems with Firefox, I think there's some URL malware that keeps infecting the shortcuts.

I uninstalled Firefox, deleted those folders causing problems ( C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Local\Firefox ) but still my shorcuts get infected with "". This doesn't just happen on startup. I have manually fixed the Target of the shortcuts but still after like an hour it gets...

Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.


Thanks a lot. It completed the cleaning and rebooted.

Here's the log file:

What about the folder I unchecked? Is it gonna cause any problems? (It was " C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Local\Firefox " when I scanned it)

Thanks again, had been trying to get rid of the malware for ages, helped me out a lot!

Re: ADWCleaner is "NOT Respoding" when Clean option is selected.


Can you please try to uncheck the following element (in the folders tab) and then press the clean button.

  • C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Roaming\Firefox

Please, tell me what happens.
